Chapter 13.

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"We don't have a sorcerer! can someone do something!" Sean yelled.

One of the witches said, "sorcerers have abundant magic inside of them. They are born to use magic not like us witches who need to learn magic, and given how powerful he is he can restore his magic on his own...."

Sean looked at her and Marius also looked down at Simon who tried to sit up, "I... my magic... she tried to suck my life force and a dark power entered my magic stream... I need some time to stable it." he said as she coughed blood and clutched his chest.

Eros looked at Yibo and Ziyi, while Yibo came before Ziyi to defend her, while Eros spoke, "who is she? She tried to hurt Simon, she must not be someone normal and why does she have black power she is not a human that's for sure."

One of the witches said, "she.... she is a witch."

Both Marius and Sean were shocked to hear that as they looked at Ziyi and Yibo.

"A blackened witch!"

"She should be killed!" one of them said and Yibo yelled, "Shut up!"

Ziyi moved back as she felt scared and sad when she saw Simon's pain, "I... did that again... I hurt him... I hurt someone... I.... I.... oh god."

Ziyi clutched her head again as Yibo turned back and reached out to her and Ziyi looked at Marius, "you said you would stop me! you said, you said that you..." she moved back, and suddenly at that moment it was Eros who suddenly heard something and then ordered his minions, "Catch her! hurry up!"

Yibo and others' eyes widened, "WHAT NO!" However, the other council people were faster than him as they moved and got a hold of Ziyi, who screamed, "let go, let go let me go!" she said.

Marius got up and attacked them as well, making her free, as he glared at Eros, "I will rip your head apart if anyone dared to touch my mate!

He yelled and one of the werewolves who were with Eros said, "Why do I feel weird after I touched her!"

"Yes, I feel that to, I feel so tired and cold, she must do something!"

"She! She is feeding on others' life force and that is illegal! She is evil!" one of the witches said as she accused Ziyi who looked so scared and ashamed.

"I have heard about this in the past there are witches who suck the other's life and magic out of them and kill them, they purify themselves this way and their dark mana enters the other person!"

Sean also got up, "Get out of here right now Eros, I am a council member as well I will not talk to anyone other than the boss or Miss Gu Xiang leave now! How did even dare to enter my pack without my permission you fucking fallen angel do you wish to roam the earth till eternity or what!"

Eros looked at him, " I have a witness who told me that you killed his pack and alpha and your beta has a blackened witch as his mate who is going around hurting others!"

Sean however spoke, "she is the part of the pack and I am the alpha of the pack and whatever I say goes here you are on my land on my territory and if you dared to hurt anyone of my member then that would mean war, and even if I will have to drag the council down I will do that until I get you and kill you, you damned fallen!"

Eros looked at him with anger as well, he didn't want to go not so fast he had an agenda to carry, so he also said, "if this what you want then fine Sean, come with me willingly or else I will have to use force."

"Try me."  Zhan spoke the atmosphere grew cold and the pack members understood so they took the members who were not warriors inside the building and even Simon.

Eros then said, "Catch the Alpha and also that woman!"

And then the hell broke loose.

The fallen angel fought with Sean, while Marius fought with anyone who dared to attack Ziyi, the warriors of the pack also joined and Yubo grabbed a hold of Ziyi and dragged her out.

He rushed to the exit but was surrounded by witches and vampires and even werewolves.

The council warriors are no joke they are very highly trained and powerful.

"Give up human and back off we mean no harm to you but that witch comes with us!"

"No way," Yibo said as he grabbed her hand tightly and at the same time, Marius jumped before them and transformed into a wolf and jumped at those the vampire, and the werewolf fought with him while the witch attacked Ziyi and Yibo she thew these golden balls of energy at them that they successfully dodged.

However Yibo was still a little weak breathing heavily and clutching Ziyi's hand, "Yibo let go of my hand!"

She said but Yibo didn't let go, "shut up and sit back!"

At the same time, Zhan and Eros fought as well, "give up fallen you are no match against me." Sean said and he was right Eros was indeed losing.

And Zhan's pack warriors were no joke.

Eros sighed, 'I don't think I will be able to take the alpha today.'

'That's fine get that woman then.'

"But we might not be able to."

"My spirits will help you."

"Alright then!"

Eros glared at Sean and said, "Sean Xiao Zhan you dared to go against the council you will face grave repercussions for this, not only you have killed others you also have attacked me and refused to follow the council's order the board will not like that!"

Eros said before he yelled, "Get that woman but don't touch her, and we'll leave everyone!"

And then everyone left whoever they were fighting and attacked Ziyi and Yibo they surrounded them and Sean yelled as well, "Everyone protects those two humans!"


Marius and the other warriors jumped in the fight as well and at the same time out of nowhere those black spirits appeared as well, and surrounded Ziyi who screamed, "NO STOP IT!"

Marius and the others turned to her as well so did Sean however they were already occupied, Ziyi sho seemed to be in so much agony and screamed, "NO...AWW...."

Eros smirked, "we'll leave now!"

"Not so soon!" Yibo said as he jumped into the mayhem as well not bothering about his safety or anything, he raised his hand in the air and yelled, "Die!"

And as soon as he said that a blue light that was so bright that others had to cover their eyes appeared in his hand and then blue light transformed into a majestic trident in his hand.

Yibo grabbed the trident with both his hands and aimed at the spirits before he jumped down and stabbed them with his blue light! The spirits screamed with agony but they dispersed leaving Ziyi alone and fainted on the ground. And the other supernatural creatures who were with Eros also felt a power that threw them in the air as they hit the ground, leaving Sean and his warriors unharmed.

While Marius went to Ziyi.

Yubo stood at the ground with his trident as he looked at Eros who was shocked as fuck, eyes wide and mouth agape as he took a step back, "you... you... a guardian..."

Yibo who was breathing heavily glared at Eros, his cold eyes were like a dagger of ice piercing Eros's soul before Yibo spoke, "you wanted to meet me right? Now lets' talk Eros."

Eros was dumbfounded and so were the others Sean felt like he just lost his voice while Yibo said, "A-Xiang."

And as soon as he said that A-Xiang appeared over there and bowed, "yes master."

"Catch them.'

"Yes, master."

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