Chapter 34.

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When Sean and Simon reached the heart of the valley, Yanli was already waiting for them, and when Sean saw Yibo lying unconscious he rushed to him, "what happened to him?"

Yanli came beside him, "he used too much power. Have you brought the stones?"

Zhan gave her the stones and then Yanli placed the stone on Yibo's chest. Just one was enough.

Zhan grabbed his hand and Yanli gave him a small smile, "your mate is a powerful person don't worry about him."

Zhan looked at her and gave her a nod.

Yanli then stood up, "I will not go and claim my position and then we will go to Gaia and I will take Reina with me."

Zhan gave her a nod and smiled faintly.


A-Xiang had just left her office and suddenly and bumped into Jiyang who stumbled back and A-Xiang grabbed his hand, "woah are you okay? was the bump that hard?"

Jiyan gave her a smile,"you are just so strong."

"Everyone is stronger than you Jiyang." Haoxuan came beside him, with something in his hand, there were three hot dogs.

"What do you want?" Jiyang asked and Haoxuan smirked, 'the humans out there are so kind look this old lady gave me hotdogs for helping her, here take one one."

A-Xiang smiled and took one for herself, and then Jiyang took as well.

They all toom a bite before A-Xiang frowend and opned her mohtm "Fuck these are so hot my mouth got burned."

Haoxuan spoke as well, "looks like the old lady dumped the entire container of salt into this."

"Come on it;s not that bad." Jiyang said as he ate, while Haoxaun rolled his eyes, "you just love to be kind."

"Wasting food is a sin." Jiyang said.

"Here eat mine as well, only you can eat so much salt." he said and gave his hot dog to him and A-Xiang did the same, "yeah please."

Jiyan sighed and glared at both of them, while A-Xiang apologized Haoxuan just walked away.

"Bastard." Jiyang mumbled.

A-Xiang smiled while he asked, "Are you going somewhere?"

A-Xiang nodded to the gealach Xiao's.

"I see,, I will come with you as well then, if that's not a problem then."

"Yeah sure."

"But before that let me go and keep these somewhere."

A-Xiang spoke, "go and keep them in the fridge in my office." she said as they were standing outside of her office.

A few minutes later he came back and together the two left.

A-Xiang had had a lot of guards assigned to guard the Gealach Xiao's pack and in Yibo's absense she was in charge,  she was alsp the perfect candidate as she was loved by the everyone and respected by everyone as well.

She was smart and kind but powerful and cruel towards her enemies as well.

Once they reached the Gealach Xiao's A-Xiang went to Ziyi and gave her some life force of hers for which she was thankful.

Ziyi was taking care of Marius this whole time, and had no really left his side.

"What are these?" A-Xiang said as she saw the small diaries on the bed and Ziyi kept them aside, "they are his journals and I was reading them."

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