Chapter 16.

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Zhan sighed as he woke his clothes properly before he held Yibo's hand and smiled at him, "let's figure this out together now shall we?"

Yibo smiled, "you have your own problem to deal with."

"And for that, I will be needing yours meaning a guardian's help, I had already reached out to A-Xiang."

"Oh yeah, she did tell me about that," Yibo said, "that this particular alpha Sean of Gealach Xiao's had reached the council to ask for help."

Zhan smiled before he noticed how cold Yibo's hands were, and he looked at him, "are you feeling cold?"

Yibo smiled, "yes I am, but it's nothing I will be fine soon, I just gave some of my power to Ziyi."

"Let's go out and talk to Marius and Simon as well, as you already know that Ziyi is Marius's mate right?"

Yibo nodded, "yes I do know that."


Zhan and Yibo were in Zhan's study as Simon, Marius and Ziyi joined.

However, Ziyi felt very tired and so she went to the sofa and went to sleep.

Zhan looked at Yibo and he explained, "her body is without magic, and weak having two souls in her body makes her tired very soon that's why she sleeps a lot."

Simon who knew nothing asked, "what did you just say?"

And then Zhan proceeded to tell them everything that Yubo had told him while Marius had little not change in his expression Simon was baffled by this, "what the fuck."

He said as he looked at Ziyi once again, and then looked back at Zhan and Yibo and then Marius who realized that the reason that he didn't feel tingled and something electric in his nerves when he touched Ziyi was due to the fact that she had two souls.

And perhaps when he had met Ziyi for the first time in her house it was the spirit controlling her body and then Ziyi went to sleep, but when she woke up again and saw him she recognized him at first glance.

Simon spoke bringing him out of his trance, "the spirit in her body has to be of someone of higher being."

Zhan and Yibo looked at him as he said, "this thing inside her body cultivated her power for years and she was placed in a place where the spirit was abundant hence it is obvious that is not a blackened soul another proof that she was not blackened was the fact that she was able to help you Yibo.

This means that this spirit is very wise and very powerful or used to be very powerful because as far as I know bringing a guardian out of corruption is like bringing people back from the dead not everyone can do that mostly a very powerful guardian, or a sorcerer or an angel can help a guardian since all these have very pure magic. And to bring you back this spirit lost its all its pure spiritual energy that is cultivated for years and took shelter in Ziyi."

Everyone looked at Simon who continued, "the fact that she is sucking other people's life force is because life force is a very pure thing and due to the lack of the spiritual power in the area where she lived before she turned to humans.

And with me also, my magic is light magic, the spirit can sense and try to take it to cultivate her powers and possibly gain a form. You said before this spirit was bound to something right?"

Yibo nodded and Simon asked, "what is it?"

To this Yibo replied, there is  a tree in Ziyi's old house, that tree is hundreds of years old and this spirit was bound to it, with a stone attached to it, and after researching a little I found that that stone was Leva."

Zhan spoke, "I have heard about this stone it is only found in Croia."

Yibo spoke, "and that's how I formed a conclusion that this spirit is related to Croia."

Simon spoke again, "you said that this spirit was bound to a tree and what you might not know is that the stone of Leva is like a batter with a lot of light energy and can help in a lot of ways to cleanse the corrupted and also to provide more energy, one stone can provide energy for a lot of years and on earth even more.

So I am assuming that this spirit is a nymph."

Marius spoke, "aren't they like demi-gods?"

"Yes, they are." Yibo said, "they cultivate and live for thousands of years before they ascend to a higher realm Leaving their body behind."

Simon sighed at this and held his head while Zhan looked at him, "What?"

"No wonder, I mean this demi-god took years to cultivate and I am sure that this demi-god is not from earth because of this stone of Leva, and do you have any idea how much spiritual a demi-god's spirit would need to become while again?

And unless that spirit does not become whole again and gets all her powers it won't leave Ziyi's body because these spirits can't exist freely they need a host which is sometimes a tree, a lake, a river, a mountain and all these things and never a human because a human would die and won't be able to handle it.

Yibo you are feeding her your powers but with a time that spirit needs more and more energy where are you going to bring that? if you failed to give her the energy she needs then she will eat Ziyi's soul!"

Marius's face paled as he said, "then can't we attach this nymph to some other body?"

Simon shook his head, "I don't think so changing a body again and again is not good for a nymph, this nymph is not young I suppose the older it gets the mote harder it is to change its body because you would have to start over again."

Marius spoke, "then what can we do? how can we get that thing out of her?"

Simon spoke, "there are two ways, either we give that nymph so much energy that would be enough for it or we have to exorcise her out if Ziyi's body forcefully but that can damage her mind."

However Yibo spoke, "and there are many ways to provide that much energy to her, first is through making her eat some powerful souls of supernatural beings, but I am a guardian and making her eat souls can mess with nature's balance and I can be punished for that and the other options is giving her a lot of stone of leva. which is only available in Croia."

Marius spoke,"then we should go there as fast as we can..."

Yibo sighed, "it's not that easy actually"

Zhan frowned, "what's that supposed to mean?"

To this Yibo replied, "I have been trying to contact Croia for a long time but I have received no reply and the entrance to Leva seems to be blocked as well for some reason. I cannot reach it."

Zhan and the others frowned before he said, "What?"

Yibo nodded, "it's true I have been trying to enter Croia for a long time and trying my best to ask for help"

Zhan spoke, "But how is it-" he stopped in the mid-sentence when he felt pain in his shoulder, he closed his and took a step back and Yibo caught hi elbow looking at him worryingly, "are you okay?"

Zhan gulped and nodded, "yeah... yeah I am fine." he drank some water before he suddenly stood straight and said, "I have received a summoning! another pack is under attack in another city let's go!"

Zhan said and left everything behind before he and Marius prepared to leave and Yibo said, "I'll go with you since Simon won't be able to come with you, I'll go."

Zhan looked at him and nodded, "sure, let's go."

Author's note:  The amount of work this book is making my brain do is baffling I swear to god I love mystery and thriller, action and adventure but it's the most difficult and energy-consuming genre to write.

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