Moving In

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-Hunter's P. O. V-

So today I'm moving into the owl house, because my uncle(Belos) kicked me out of the palace cause I was failing many missions that he has given me, he will be replacing me with kikimora.

Now I'm packing all my stuff that i will bring to the owl house, i packed a couple of my books, some bird seeds, and my diary. I started writing when i saw ten, i would write about my day and my problems.

I had no one to talk to growing up, i didn't have any friends... My uncle forbid me to have any, so i grew up alone.

After i finished packing and started to heading out the Palace, on the way i saw my uncle walking towards me.

He never left his thrown room unless its something important. So this was quite the sight.

He stopped infront of me,i looked at him in the eyes and he did the same, the he said "oh hunter, where will you go now?" he said in his normal voice, I didn't answer and walked past him. Oh titan, that was horrifying.

He didn't do anything, he just stood there.
As i exited the Palace i remembered about flapjack, i started panicking, i checked my bag but he wasn't there, then i checked my hoodie, i found him sleeping in one of the pockets, i let out a sigh of relief.

I headed towards the forest near the Palace, then i saw the human girl, i believe her name was Luz.

She saw me heading towards her and waved at me. I waved back.

She was a riding a staff that looked like a owl. "come, let's go now" she said cheerfully. I hopped on board the staff and we flew to the owl house.

They somehow trusted me after what i did to them. We finally arrived at the owl house. We hopped off the staff, i saw a weird creature in the door but the human said to not pay attention to it, so i didn't.

We went inside the house and I saw the owl lady sitting in the couch and a weird looking dog-rat creature.

The owl lady noticed we arrived and got off the couch, she headed towards me and the human. "you guys are finally here" she said.

"there's not much rooms in the house so you two can share a room."

"alright eda but there's only one bed" the human said.

"don't worry bout it i stole something from the human realm, i think it was called a bunk-bed?"

"luz go show blonde boy the room that he'll stay in."

I started following the human girl to the room, as we entered i saw the so called 'bunk-bed' . "There was two beds, one was in the bottom and another at top.

"i call top bunk!" the human said while going up the ladder into the bed. "ok?" I said slightly confused.

I started to unpack my stuff. Flapjack woke up and flew up, and landed on top of my hair.

The human saw flapjack and said. "Is that the same bird that you were scared of?" while a slight smirk plastered on her face.

"yeah" i said while unpacking.

I finally finished unpacking my stuff, it wasn't that much.

"kids, time for dinner!"
The owl lady shouted downstairs.

"perfect timing" i thought to myself.

But before i left i gave flapjack some bird seeds.

Sorry cliffhanger for now😅 i hope you guys like this though:)
This is it for this chapter hopefully this wasn't that bad.

Anyway i saw pic on Google while trying to find a cover photo

Anyway i saw pic on Google while trying to find a cover photo

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The quality absolutely sucks but that's all bye! :D

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