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-Edric's P. O.V-

I woke up at 12:21 in the morning. "did i really sleep that late?" i said to myself.

I headed downstairs to see emira and mittens at in the living room,emira noticed i was there and said. "hey ed"
"hi" i said still a little sleepy.

"There's food in the fridge, luz delivered some earlier" mittens said,i went over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took out a sandwich.

The sandwich had some vegetables which i though was from the human realm,cuz I've never seen it before.

I took a seat at the table and eat the sandwich.

After i eat, i headed upstairs and took a shower i was now wearing clothes:) -Me

I headed downstairs, cuz i had nothing else to do.
"I'm gonna go visit luz" Amity Spoke.

"Can we come?" Em asked.

"Mom and dad are not even gonna come home until next week."

"Fine you can come."

"hey Ed you comin?"

"yeah" I replied. I didn't bother to change, I was just heading to the owl house. Not anywhere fancy.

Me and my siblings talked about stuff along the way. We finally arrived at the owl house.

"hoot hoot, heya amity"

"can you tell luz that were here?" Amity replied, surprisingly not getting annoyed by hooty. (hooty "helped" her and luz to get together so she wasn't that annoyed at him as before.)

"of course!" hooty stretched up to luz's room and after a few seconds he came back. "she's coming" hooty said.

Luz opened the door. "hey amity, you brought the twins to?" luz asked.

"No, they just wanted to tag along." Mittens said.

"Come on in"

Me and Emira went inside, "Eda isn't here, she's busy exploring with lilith to make up for lost times."

"You two can explore the owl house if you want, or you could watch TV here"
Luz offered. I remembered last night

Hunter told me he lived with luz. "is hunter here by any chance?" i asked.

"oh, yeah he is. He's upstairs, you wanna go to him? " luz said with a slight smirk on her face.

"Yeah" I replied.

I headed upstairs and went to their bedroom, i opened the door and i saw Hunter using his scroll.

"Hey Hun!" i said cheerfully.

He turned to look at me and said. "What are you doing here?"

"I tagged along with Mittens since i was bored at home." I headed over to hunter and sat at the edge of his bed.

He was wearing a white baggy shirt and a pair of dark grey leggings.

"so watchu doin?" i asked.

"nothing much" he replied.

-Third person P. O.V-

Edric started talking to Hunter about his siblings and what they usually do, Hunter just looked at Edric listening to what he had to say.

Hunter enjoyed edric's company alot. "Hey Hun wanna head downstairs?" Edric said.

"Uh, yeah sure" 

Edric pulled hunter and they both headed downstairs. Hunter realized they were holding hands and turned a little red.

They saw the girls watching TV. Luz noticed hunter and edric came downstairs, she smirked when she realized they were holding hands.

"Hey hunter, hey ed. What are guys doing here?" Luz asked.

"Nothing, I just bored wanted to head downstairs and dragged blondie along the way" He answered.

They all decided to watch some movies. "what kind of movie do you guys wanna watch?" Luz asked.

They all decided to watch a Disney movie (Encanto cuz i had nothing else in mind) about halfway of the movie hunter leaned on Edric's shoulder.

Edric looked at Hunter and smiled, they continued to watch the movie, Every now and then they give their opinions on the scene and such.

By the end of the movie it was getting dark. Eda finally came home, she saw the teens in the living room and said. "It's getting late, you guys should head back"

The three siblings were about to head out until it started to rain.

Eda went outside to put a forcefield around the house. They decided that Amity and the twins were staying here for the night.


I have no longer have Motivation to complete this so I'll do the rest tomorrow :D

Hopefully this wasn't that bad😅
(Edit:It was and it still is)

Here's a random pic a found on Google^^

Here's a random pic a found on Google^^

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⚠️Credits to the original artist⚠️

The quality sucks but i found this really wholesome.

Bye for now, see in the next chapter!

Side note:Look my mental health sucks rn and I honestly don't care about it that much but I'm wondering how you've been, if you wanna open up to me it's totally fine, if not then I understand but that's all bye!

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