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-Third Person P. O. V-
(Y'all I haven't done a third person pov in a while so pls have mercy on me😭)

Edric being the person he was, he fell down the stairs, face first. But obviously the cheery,  optimistic, laid-back person the green haired male was, that didn't effect his day.

He obviously had to greet his sweet, traumatized blonde haired boyfriend a 'goodmorning' before he went down. (Boyfriend material 🙌🏼)

He was greeted by his twin who was mindlessly scrolling through her scroll, her eyes lighting up a few times when it buzzed. Edric just assumed it was her girlfriend.

As he was eating his breakfast that was prepared by his twin due to the fact that he had blackmail on her, I mean sure he could've done something worse but he didn't. The youngest Blight had just entered the room because of the loud thud that he had made from falling down the stairs.

"What was that loud thud?" The lavender-haired Blight asked, it was quite obvious that her sleep got disturbed because of it. (Did y'all know lavender is apparently the gayest color according to Google?😗)

"Oh, that was me! I fell" Edric said enthusiastically, chuckling a bit.

"Thanks I guess"

"For what Mittens?"

"For making me run on 4 hours of sleep"

"...You're welcome?"

He was met with no reply, Amity just sat on of the stools. Emira had also made Amity food as well, luckily.

The twins chatted for a while, Amity adding a few things here and there. That's how the morning of the Blight siblings were. Now how about we take a look in the Owl House? Let's see what they're up to.
"Luz, turn your damn alarm clock off!" The blonde shouted from his room.

"Yeah! As much as I hate blondie over there your alarm is ruining my sleep!" The tiny creature screeched from the living room.

In the end Hunter had to get up from his bed to turn off Luz's alarm. "Why did you even set up an alarm? It a Saturday for titan's sake!"

"I don't know!?"

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"It means I don't know why my alarm was set for 6 frickin' AM!"

The blonde sighed, "It's too early for this. I'm going back to bed."

In the end the Hunter couldn't go back to sleep, he just laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. He then got a notification from his partner saying goodmorning to him. He smiled as he looked at his scroll.

'Morning too, Ed' He reluctantly suggested if he should add 'love' instead of Edric's nickname. He didn't, he chickened out and sent him that instead.

He turned his scroll off, he went downstairs and cooked himself breakfast. But The almighty king of demons seems to have a good sense of smell since once the blonde started to make the batter for the pancakes he immediately went to the kitchen, holding his stuffed toy, Francois.

Yes, Luz had let them try waffles before but she said it was too much of a hassle to make them since they still needed a waffle maker. Luckily they found one in one of Eda's human junk that was left. She just said, and I quote. 'Waffles are just pancakes with abs'

He kinda agreed that the whole process was a bit more longer that pancakes so he settled for pancakes instead.

After he ate and cleaned the dishes he went to his room and decided to pass the time by scrolling on Pensta. As usual nothing interesting was up, people taking selfies, palisman, etc.

His boredom was killing him, so he settled to text Edric instead. He asked him how his morning was and the reply he got was, interesting.

E:And when I went downstairs I fell




E:But you love me anyway


E:You don't???

H:No, no I do

E:Alright, so Hun. Wanna hangout tomorrow?



H:But with who?

E:Mittens had probably informed Luz about it and I believe she told the others already or is currently doing so.


E:Well, bye Hun<3


Edric had now turned off his scroll, he was having a argument with himself because he thinks he's hanging out with blonde boy too much. But on the other hand the others will be there too so it wasn't exactly a date, who even said their hangouts where dates anyways?

My motivation is going bye bye

Edric along with his siblings were now playing a game that Luz had shown them, she teached the trio how to play Uno. It's a fun card game that she and her mom used to play in the human realm, she found the card when she was helping Eda sort through her old stashes in the basement.

"Uno!" The youngest Blight exclaimed after winning another round and beating her siblings for the 5th time this hour.

"How do you keep winning!?" Emira complained, frustrated of the fact that Amity kept winning. At this point she's going to accuse her of cheating.

"One word, luck"

"No one could have that much luck! You're cheating" The middle Blight said frustrated.

"You're just jealous"

"I give up," Edric was about to leave the room but Amity spoken up.

"Aww c'mon Ed, Luz even brought some human candy"

The green-haired male peerked up," I'm interested"

The others laughed and they all enjoyed their afternoon.

Yeah, no. It's raining like cats and dogs here, it's goddamn cold and I still didn't get therapy.

Give me chapter ideas please😭
I can't take this fanfic anymore. I lose motivation way to easily I swear.

Though I have a up coming plot so don't stay tuned for that, it's trash.

And question, should I published one of my fanfics in my drafts?

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