Going Out

760 20 7

-Hunter's P. O. V-

                  -the next day-

I woke up at 10:32 in the morning, that was possibly the best sleep i had in a while.

I went over to flapjacks food bowl and put some bird seeds just in case he woke up.

I started to head downstairs to eat breakfast, I saw the human eating a square looking thing with syrup on.

She noticed that i was there and said. "morning hunter"

"morning" i replied in a husky voice.

"come eat."

"sure human, but what's that?" i said looking at the food.

"first of all i have a name, it's Luz, second these are called waffles, it's food for breakfast we eat in the human realm."

I went to sit and started eating these so called 'waffles' I took a bite.

"how is it?" the human asked.

It tasted delicious but i just said. "it's good"

After i ete breakfast i went to the bathroom and took a shower. After i did, I changed into a plain black shirt and some jeans.

I headed to the shared room, as i entered flapjack flew towards me

"hey flapjack wanna head to the market?" i asked.

Flapjack replied with a happy chirp.

"I'll take that as a yes."

I headed downstairs, i saw the human using her scroll. (yes luz has a scroll here). I headed to the front door and was about to open it until.

"hey hunter where you going?"

"I'm heading to the Market"i replied.

"alright hunter, bye!"

Flapjack turned into his staff form, and we flew to the market.

After a few minutes we arrived. I hopped off Flapjack and he turned back to his animal form, he flew up my head and landed on my hair.

I explored a few of the stalls and headed to the snack shack.
(btw the snack shack is a shop)

I explored a few of the Isles and bought water and some bread for Flapjack.

As i headed to the front to pay for my stuff i saw two other people there.


That's all for now.
I hoped you liked this chapter^^
I took my phone again since my dad left.
But anyway, bye for now:)

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