Late Reaction

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-Hunter's P. O. V-

I was practically screaming in my pillow. 'I kissed Edric Blight, Edric F(Quack)ing Blight'

It finally hit me, i kissed him. Why is my reaction so late?

After a few minutes Luz walked in the room. She saw me, my head was buried in the pillow.

"Hey hunter, you good?" she asked.

I let out a muffled No.

"Why is that exactly?"

I got up and sat on my bed.

"Incident yesterday"

"What was it??" She asked curiously.

"Nothing, it was nothing."

"Sure, it doesn't seem like it's 'nothing'."

"It is nothing"

"Tell meee pleaseeee, is it about your crush? Did he do something??"

I stiffened up when mentioning about my crush. Luz noticed and got excited.

"what happened?!" she said excitedly.

"I told you it's nothing"

After i said that Luz's girlfriend barged in the room.

"Amity!" Luz said while running to her gf.

"Hey Luz!"

They both separated from the hug and luz attention was now turned to me.

"What happened to him?"

"Well he said there's been an incident about his crush"

"It's not about my crush!" i yelled out.

"No its definitely about his crush, I've been trying to figure out what happened."

"Well off topic but emira told me ed accidentally kissed a guy yesterday"

"What?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"I don't know?"

"It all makes sense now!"

Then i heard luz laughing weirdly.

"Amity, can i have a private convo with Hunter here? I'll meet downstairs" She said.

"Alright see you Luz!"

"You too Sweet potato!"

She finally turned too me.

"Why does it sounds like amitys leaving?"

"What you mean?"

"The way you guys said it-"

"Hunter, did Edric kiss you?!"

"I- umm W-what?"

"He did, didn't he?"

"It was an accident ok, Emira just pushed edric and you know"

"I don't know" She said somewhat smiling.

"Go away Luz"

"No, you guys kissed!"

"We did not idiot"


"Yes now go before amity gets sick and tired of waiting"

"Oh right i completely forgot about amity!"

She then quickly ran downstairs, while i aat there, processing. I decided to go to pensta and try to get my mind of things. I summoned my scroll and went to pensta. After a few minutes of scrolling i saw a picture from Emira's account, it was Ed and Emira taking a picture.

(pls pretend the background is at a park in the boiling isles or sum)

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(pls pretend the background is at a park in the boiling isles or sum)

They both were wearing heart shaped glasses. Edric was holding his glasses, pulling them slightly down, while Emira was winking at the camera. It said she posted it yesterday.

I liked the post and kept scrolling not thinking much. After 2 hours of pointlessly scrolling i finally got up and headed to the kitchen, i checked the time and it was 3:50pm.

Downstairs i saw Luz and King watching a show, luckily none of them noticed me. I went to the kitchen and headed to one of the cupboards. I grabbed myself a snack, as i closed the cupboards i saw a person standing beside me.

"Hi blondie"

"Ed? What are you doing here?"

"Me and Em got bored at the manor, and we decided to come here."

"How long have you been here exactly?"

"An hour or so"

"Ok, bye" i said walking away with my snack in my hand.

"Wait- Hunter, don't leave me!"

I stopped and looked at him.

"Go to your siblings or something"

"They keep talking about girl stuff tha ti don't understand, i don't know what to do"

"Ugh fine"

We both walked to my shared room. Eda still hasn't given me my own, but it's better then nothing i guess.


Cliffhanger for now, I'm sorry this wasn't probably worth the wait, I've beem struggling alot at school.

And well umm i hoped you guys liked it, I've been writing other fanfics aswell, i will publish them when this one is completed.

I also deleted this chapter and i lost all my motivation, but i finally did it.

But anyway.

Edit:Tysm for 1k reads! This really means alot to me, and thank you making me win in me and sisters bet. This means the world to me, i mean i know my story isn't all that good, but thank you anyway. I'm currently working on the next chapter, it'll probably be published in 2 days or more.

I'm sick, everytime i walk i feel nauseous and i wanna puke, my head hurts just by looking at the screen. I've not been sick for almost a year now so i don't really know what to do. I think the chapter might be more delayed. Sorry guys :(

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