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Timeskip to 2 weeks

-Edric's P. O. V-

I've been wanting to ask Hunter out now but I  have no idea how to. I decided to ask the only person that came in mind for help, I knocked on my twin's door. 

She opened the door and said,
"What do you want?"

"Rude much." I said dramatically

"Ed, what do you want?" She said getting more annoyed.

"Well I wanna ask someone out but I have no clue how to"

"Is this 'Someone' hunter?" She said now grinning.

"Yeah i guess"

"Alright come in."

I went over and sat on her bed.

"So how do I ask him out?"

"Well first you need a place where you wanna ask him out, do you have something in mind?"

"No not really."

"I could give recommendation"


"Maybe the non boiling beach and when the sunset or the end of your hangout you'll tell him."

"I think it's a little cliché but no offense"

"Nah, it's fine so anyway, maybe go around bonesborough, or go to the carnival and when you guys ride on the wheel you'll confess"

"Maybe going around bonesborough will be nice."

"So when are you guys going to hangout?"

"Maybe Saturday?"

"So in 2 days??"

"I guess, but how do I tell him????"

"Just be yourself I'm sure he likes you back."


"Well yeah, have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"What do you mean? he looks at me normally"

"I- you know what nevermind, you can go now. Tell me what he says!"

She pushed me out of her room as she said that. "Rude" I whispered.

I was happy that Emira tried to help, I'm not that good with planning things. Hopefully it won't be to bland.

When i arrived at my room I laid on my bed and took out my scroll. I was mindlessly scrolling through pensta when i got a notification. It was hunter

'I wonder what he needs' I thought to myself. I pressed the notification and checked his message.



H:Hey Ed, umm can you help me with something?

E:Sure! What do need help with Hun?

H:Well i want to ask out someone but i don't know how to.

E:Oh... Who is she??? 🤩

H:It's a boy

E:Who's the lucky boy then?

H:I can't tell

E:aww why nottttttt????


E:At least give me clues


E: :D

H:so he has golden-ish eyes

E:Mhmm what's next?

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