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-Edric's P. O.V-

As i started heading back to the manor, I couldn't stop thinking about him, i know we just meet but he was just so *inserts something about Hunter* and i enjoyed his company.

When I finally arrived at the manor, I  headed inside. I saw mittens using her scroll, she's probably texting her girlfriend.

I went upstairs to my room and charged my clothes i was now wearing a grey hoodie and oversized sweat pants.

I went to my bed and used my scroll. I was scrolling through pensta when i remembered about hunter. And the most logical thing to do was texting him, so i did.


E:Hey Hun

H:What do you want?

E:Rude much, but what you doin?

H:In bed

E:So Hun, wanna meet up at monday?

H:Why monday?

E:Why not?

H:I have school at monday

E:I forgot school existed, but same

E:which school do you go to?


E:I go there too:D

H:Cool, i guess?

E:So Hun do you have any siblings?


E:Lucky, i have two but I love them alot but i won't admit it to them though:)

H:Emira and ????



E:Amity but we call her mittens


E:It's getting late imma head to sleep now.

H:Alright, goodnight Blight

E:Night cutie



I was heading to sleep until Emira came in the room,

"Hey Ed, did you eat dinner yet?" she asked.

"no, I'm sleepy I'll eat tomorrow" I replied

"Fine, goodnight Ed"


-The next day-

I woke up at 11:07am, it was almost afternoon. After a while when i had the energy i got up my bed and headed downstairs.

"Morning sleepyhead" Mittens said.

"Wanna eat?" Emira spoke.


I took a seat table and started eating breakfast, while i was eating i saw emira holding my scroll.

"Em! Give it back" 

"Nah, I saw you smiling at it last night, i wanna see why. " she said.

I tried getting my scroll back from her, she headed to penstagram.

"Em I dont  have the energy for this"

"And don't check pensta"

"Too late" she went to my messages and saw my conversation with Hunter last night.

I immediately turned red, mittens got interested and looked. I gave up trying to get my scroll and tried covering my face.

They looked at me with a smirk plastered on their face.

"You like him don't you?" Amity said

"No I don't" i replied my face still a little red,

"Sure you dont" Emira said as she rolled her eyes.

"why'd you call him cutie then?" Amity looked at me.

"No reason"

I snatched my scroll back from Emira and headed back to my room.

I went into my bathroom and took a shower, and brushed my teeth. I changed into a white t-shirt and black leggings.

I laid on my bed and was about to sleep, I honestly don't know why I'm sleepy. I jsutwoke up 30 minutes ago. But Emira came into the room,

"Em what are you doing here?" i said annoyed

"what, can't your sister visit her brother?" she said sarcastically.

"No" i replied

"Wow rude"

"But for real why are you here?" i asked.

"I'm bored and i wanted to take a pic for pensta, that's all"

"go take a picture somewhere else" i said annoyed.

But she took a pic of me on the bed looking annoyed, she went and took a seat at the edge of my bed. I went to her and read her captions.

'Another normal day for the blight twins'

then she tagged me and Hunter, i looked at her and said. "I hate you"

"love you too!" then she left my room.

After a while i  peacefully fell asleep forgetting who she tagged in her post.


That's all for this chapter!
I wasn't really the best but i enjoyed writing it:)

Well that's for now, hopefully I'll see you in the next chapter! :D

Edit:Yeah no this actually sucked lmao

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