Accidental Kiss

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-Hunter's P. O. V-

It was a normal day at hexside. People flying, laughing,talking, arguing, and making out. W-wait- making out??

Erm anyway. I bumped into edric while heading to class.

I almost fell but edric caught me. (This sounds so cliche)

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You heading to math?"

"Yes unfortunately, don't you have math to?"

"Yeah, I'm heading there."

We headed to math class making small talk along the way.

"Hey ed did you do the math homework?"

"We had homework??!?"

"Yeah, you didn't do it did you?"

"I forgot! I'm gonna fail"

"It's just one homework you won't fail"

"Yeah sure"

"Hey hunter can you tell me who your crush is??"

"Yeah, no"

"Why not~?"

"You'll eventually find out soon. Also we're almost late for class so hurry up"


We arrived in class and headed to our seats.

-Edric's P. O. V-

After a few minutes the teacher finally arrived and started teaching.

Although i didn't focus, i was looking at hunter the entire time. Wondering who his crush his and taking his details.

I felt like a weird stalker for some reason.

"Edric Blight!"

I snapped back into reality.

"Edric were is your homework?!"

"Oh umm sorry miss i forgot to do it since my parents wanted to help me with something last night." i lied.


Thank titan she believed my lie. I let out a sigh of relief.


After school ended. I wanted to ask hunter to hangout at Friday and maybe confess.

I was walking around school to find hunter when i saw Luz and Mittens talking.

I went over to them, 'They might know were hunter is' i thought to myself.

When i was close i overheard them talking about hunter.

"Hey amity did you know hunter likes your brother."

'Hunter likes me..?' i thought to myself and screaming in the inside.

"He does?"

"Yeah! He told me not to tell anyone but i couldn't help myself. And besides your his sister."

I kept listening for a few minutes or so until i went to them.

"Hey mittens!"

"Speaking of the devil.." she said.

"Hey ed, do you need anything?"

"Yeah i was wondering were hunter is and i thought you guys knew"

"Oh hunter is already at home."

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