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-Hunter's P. O. V-

Me and Ed are now in my room. This was the first time he's been here.

"So, blondie how've you've been?"

"Eh, good i guess"

"What do you wanna do?"



"Yeah, I'm d3ad now"

"Blondie come on"

"Ughh fine, what?"

"Well earlier Em spilled something on Mittens and-"

He then continued talking about what interesting has been happening to him, i just listened to what he had to say since i was bored and the was he talks about it, it just seems so.... Mesmerising.

After awhile he finally stopped talking, i let out a small hum questioning why he stopped.

"Sorry thought i saw something"

He then continued his topic.

-Edric's P. O. V-

While i was in the middle of talking i remembered the incident yesterday, i stopped talking and blankly stared at a wall. Hunter let out a hum and i snapped back from my small trance.

"Sorry thought i saw something"

Then i continued talking, after about 30 minutes of us talking we decided to head downstairs.

While heading there we were holding hands, I'm not sure if hunter noticed since he's not paying much attention.

When we finally arrived, i saw Luz grinning and so was Emira Amity was busy doing something one her scroll for her to notice we existed.

"Hey Edric, Hunter" Luz said smugly.

"Why are you looking at us lile that?" Hunter questioned.

"Oh nothing come."

We both then sat on the floor with the others. Them i suddenly felt the warm feeling fade, i realised hunter took his hand back. Guess he realised.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Luz asked.

"Bored" Hunter replied blankly.

"Well ok, so hunter have you y'know?"


"Guess not"


"Nothing hunt"

"Well wanna watch a movie or somethin'?"

We all sat to watch a TV show instead. We all picked a random show called Reptilia, The main characters name was Anna she got teleported into a world full of talking reptiles, she then meets the Farmers, the Farmers took her in and they had alot of adventures, they also had many near death experience. Then Anna found one of her human friends that also got teleported into the world too, Her name was Tasha, Tasha turned out to be manipulative, and again they almost died.

(Pretend they already had dinner)

After watching 2 seasons it was now 10:59pm. The blights stayed here since the boiling isles are dangerous when it night. Again Luz, Amity and Emira shared her room.

While me and Edric we're staying at mine.

We entered my room and Ed sat down at the edge of my bed, I sat next to him and reached over to flapjack and fed him.

-Edric's P. O. V-

I watched Hunter as he fed Flapjack, I've been meaning to ask him about the incident a few days ago but everything time I chicken or someone interrupts.

Now since we're alone I decided I'll finally tell him.

"Hey Hunter?"

"Hmm?" He said still focusing on Flapjack.

"I was wondering....umm well...about the other day.."

I saw him slightly tense up, maybe this is a bad idea, well now or never I guess.

"W-what about it?"

"Umm doyouwannagooutwithme!?"

I looked over to him, he looks like he was still processing what I just said.


"Hunter, do you wanna go out with me..?"

He smiled and nodded.

I immediately shot up from my spot and hugged him resulting both of us falling on his bed.

"Sorry, I just excited"

He didn't say anything and hugged me tightly.

I saw Flapjack fly to I believe was his bed?

"Is that a yes?" I questioned.



"I'm kidding"

"So are now?"



This is cringe
This is cringe
This is cringe
This is cringe

Umm well my father took my phone and I had to use someone else's phone and I am still sick but it wasn't that bad as before, so yeah


(Also 2 more days!) Jwjrbfksjdbfjsjebfbfjsj


Edit 2:I don't have WiFi and the first ep of season with get released soon😭😭

Edit:I watched the ep. I have mixed emotions about it, so first I'm excited then I'm hella happy then I'm scared, then terrified, worried, sad, hella sad, in disbelief, crying sobbing, shocked.

In the end I'm still sad:(

R. I. P. Flapjack

Edit:Well umm my mental health rn sucks tbh, I don't really have motivation to do stuff anymore and if you were actually enjoying this story(Which I highly doubt you are) I won't be able to update since I don't have WiFi and I'm just overall quite sad:') I'll be trying my best with this story, I'll be editing most of the chapters since, their cringe but that's all, hope you guys understand. See you soon I guess?

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