Hanging Out

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-Hunter's P. O. V-

I took a look at them, they looked around my age. they were waiting for the person in the front.

I took a look at their details.
One of them was a boy, he has green hair, golden eyes and he had a mole under his right eye.

The other one was a girl looked the same, just with long hair.

I assumed they were twins.

After a few minutes one of the twins saw me.

-Third person P. O. V-

"Hey, what's your name?" Emira asked
Hunter was a bit hesitant at first but said. "Hunter"

Edric finally turned to see hunter.
Emira introduced themselves to hunter.
"I'm emira and this is my brother edric."

"Y'know i could've introduce myself"

"So blondie, wanna be friends?" Edric asked.

"Sure" Hunter answered.

"Great!" Edric said with a smile on his face.

The person in front finally came and they paid for their food.

They went out of the shop and started chatting.

Eventually emira had to leave. "Hey Ed I just remembered that i was gonna Hangout with viney today."

"Sure go Hangout with you're girlfriend, I'll hangout with blondie."

"Alright bye!" Emira waved to Edric.

He and hunter sat by a nearby bench.

"So, blondie wanna get to know each other?" Edric asked.

"Sure" hunter replied.

"Okay, so how old are you?"


"Same" edric said with a smile plastered on his face.

"What's your favorite color?"

"What are we five?" hunter said sarcastically.

"Just answer the question" edric said a bit annoyed.

"Red, you?" hunter replied.

"I like blue"

"Cool "

They started talking for awhile, eventually the sun started to set. Hunter noticed and said,

"Hey it's starting to get late I'm gonna head back now."

"Alright blondie but make sure to text me later." Edric winked.

Hunter turned a bit red and said. "sure"

"Bye Ed"

as he was about to leave edric kissed his hand and said

"Bye blondie."


That's all for this chapter i hope you guys liked it. And sorry if it was a bit cheesy😅

My dad allowed me to use my phone everynight so that's when I'll update.

Bye for now, see in the next chapter!

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