Boiling Rain

565 23 31

-Edric's P. O. V-

Me and Em headed to the kitchen for dinner, mittens and Luz was already there. But Hunter wasn't  so I headed over to Luz and asked where Hunter was.

Luz said Hunter was getting flapjack some food before he'll come.

I took a seat right next to Emira, "Eda left, she said she'll come back tomorrow." Luz said.

"But isn't raining?" i asked

"Yeah, but she said that she'll be fine."

I was talking to Emira when i heard the stairs creaking, i looked over to the stairs and saw Hunter coming over.

He took a seat across from me and started eating.

After I ate I went to put my plate in the sink, my instinct was to clean them but I already do that at home.

I went over to the living room where Luz was sitting on the couch, she noticed I was there and said, "wanna watch a movie?" I simply nodded and took a seat on the floor.

The rest came to the living room and we watched movies for the rest of the night.

At some point Hunter leaned on my shoulder which resulted in my face dusting a light shade of pink.

I look over to the rest and they looking at me with a smirk on their face.

I just ignored them and continued watching.

We finally finished watching and it was almost midnight, Luz said I have to share the bed with hunter.

We headed towards their room and hunter went to the other side of the bed and i went in the other.

Emira was somewhere :D

I eventually fell asleep while the boiling rain was the only thing that was heard after everyone had fallen asleep.


I'm very very sorry, this chapter sucked i had no motivation and i couldn't think of an activity they were gonna do.

But this was all i could do rn, i have alot of school work and I'll try to update as much as i can.

That's all for now. Byee^^

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