Crush Pt. 2

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Most of this chapter is just Luz teasing hunter about edric, That's all. :)

-Hunter's P. O.V-

I was in my shared room scrolling through pensta when i got a notification, it was from Emira, i clicked on it and saw a pic of Emira and Edric.

"Heh, " i said to myself while smiling at the picture.

Luz came in to the room and saw me smiling.

"what are you smiling at?" she asked curiously.

My smile faded, "None of your business" i said annoyed.

She quickly snatch my scroll,

"Hey!" I shouted.

She saw the pic and said. "do you like Em???"

"What-! No" I replied.

"She's already dating someone" she said.

"So?" i said with a blank expression.

Then after a while she said. "you like Edric???"

After she said that my face and ears turned red

"N-no" i said while stuttering in the process.

She turned to me and i quickly tried to hide my face but she already saw me.

"You do!" she shouted while a slight grin on her face.

"I don't!" i replied.

"Yeah definitely" she said with a grin on her face

"Oh shut up"

"when did you guys meet?" she asked.

"why should i tell you?"

"Pleaseeeeee" she said desperately.


"We meet yesterday at the market"  

"So hunter did edric do anything before he left?" She questioned me.

-Third person P.O.V-

Luz knew Edric's a flirt and Hunter isn't the type of person that falls in love easily, so she thought Edric did something.

Hunter suddenly turned red again, "how did you know?" he said a little flustered (sorry if this is a little out of character 😅)

"so he actually did something??" Luz said curiously.


"what did he do???"

"No" Hunter said red as ever.

"I just wanna knowwwww" 

"Fine" Hunter's replied.

"Thanks Hunter"

"Before he left he kissed my hand" Hunter said getting more red

"He did that, really?" 


"Oooooo~ Hunter's got a crush~" Luz  said teasingly.

"I don't have a crush on him"

"Then why are you red~?"

"I'm not red" Hunter said knowing he was.

Luz kept teasing hunter about his little crush. After a while hunter said

"Don't you have something better to do?"  

"Nope!" luz answer cheerfully.

Luz finally remembered why she came into the room and said.

"actually i was gonna tell you the school is infested with pixies..... Again"

"So school will start on Tuesday" she said.

"Alright, can you hand me my scroll back?"

"Ok fine here" Luz said handing hunter his scroll back. Hunter quickly took it and said

"Can you go now?"

"Alright, byeee"

-Hunter's P.O.V-

After she left i went to my messages and went over to edric's contact number.



E:what's up goldie?

H:Nothing much,also i saw the post Emira uploaded

E:Shoot, i completely forgot about that

H:Lol, but you looked cute

E:iI do not, I am attractive not cute

H:whatever you say blight

H:are we still meeting up Monday?


H:what time?

E:Hm, maybe at 3pm?


E:wanna get to know each other more?

H:I don't have anything else to do, so sure.

E:Ok, me first when's your birthday? :)

H:September 18, you?

E:Mines at *inserts his birthday*

E:Where do you live? Sorry if that sounded weird

H:Nah it's fine, I live with luz

E:The owl house??



H:So what now?

E:do you like someone?

H:I guess

E:who is it?? 😀

H:not telling, but do you have one?


"Hey, kids come we're heading to the market!" Eda yelled from downstairs.

"But its night!" Luz yelled.

"it's fine we'll only be there for an hour."

I headed downstairs with flapjack on top of my head and luz following behind me.

H:hey ed I'm gonna go somewhere with eda, maybe we can chat tomorrow?

E:sure bye goldie:)



So that's all, my motivation left me halfway but i did it >:D

But before i say bye i wanna ask a question :) you don't have to answer it.

Question:which track(s) would you pick if you were a student in hexside?

I would pick beast keeping, illusions, plant and healing. Edit:And bard

that's all for now byeeeeeee

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