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-Edric's P. O. V-

I woke up and felt something warm on my chest, I looked down and saw hunter peacefully sleeping while hugging me.

I smiled at the sight, and hugged him back falling back asleep since it was still early.

I woke up again to see hunter wasn't next to me anymore, i rubbed my eyes to get a better look at my surroundings.

I headed downstairs and saw Luz and amity making some waffles. I went to the living and saw emira watching TV.

I went over to her, "Morning ed" Emira said still looking at the TV. "Morning" i said sleepily. "come sit" Emira said while patting a spot on the couch.

I went and sat on the couch, emira was watching a show Luz recommended to us a few weeks ago.

"Hey em, do you know where hunter is?" i asked. "No why? Are you missing your boyfriend already?" she said while grinning. I felt my face heating up. "He's not my boyfriend!" i said my face still red."Not yet" emira answered.

"Hey guys me amity finished making the waffles" Luz said while smiling. Emira turned off the TV, we both headed to the kitchen.

-Timeskip cuz I'm lazy-

I charged into a magenta hoodie and black leggings with white stripes on the sides. Huunter let me borrow his clothes since i didn't pack any.

I went over to hunter and luz's room. I thanked him for letting me borrow his clothes and headed downstairs to watch TV, emira and mittens where already there.

Mittens turned to look at me and said. "Where'd you get those clothes ed?"

"Hunter let me borrow it"
I replied slightly flustered

"Well wanna watch this show called Agent x Family?(I'm so sorry I'm not creative when making references💀I'm hella cringe rn) Luz recommended us to watch this,she said it's good."

I nodded in response and sat on the floor which wasn't actually bad.

We continued watching the show and it was really interesting.

About halfway way through episode 7 i got hungry and decided to head to the kitchen.

When i arrived at the kitchen i saw hunter looking through the cupboards.

I went over him and said, "Hi blondie"
That startled hunter a bit and jumped back a lil and hitting his head on the cupboard.

I let out a little laugh. He rubbed the part where his head hit the cupboard, "don't do that again" he said.

"Anyways what are you doing here goldilocks?" i said. "i wanted some snacks and went here, what about you?" he questioned.

"same reason" i answered. I took some chips from one of the cupboards and said "wanna watch TV?" i asked.

"Sure i don't plan on doing anything today." he replied

As we headed to the living room i said. "hey weren't we gonna go out today?" i questioned.

"i think so?" he replied.

"anyways where's flapjack?" i said

"oh flapjacks sleeping upstairs" he answered.

We finally arrived at the living room. "Ed you missed the episode, what took you so long?" emira said. "oh nothing i just talked to hunter for a while." i replied.

Me and hunter both sat on the floor. I gave em and mittens some of the chips i got from the kitchen.

We continued watching the show when hunter leaned on my shoulder, i slightly turned red, and smiled. I turned to look at my siblings and saw them smirking.

I just ignored them and kept watching, after a few moments i heard soft snoring, i took a look at hunter to see he was sleeping.

He looked really peaceful sleeping.
(also luz joined to wat5but I'm too lazy to write it)

After we watched the episodes, it was 5:57. I guess we watched TV for the entire afternoon.

I slowly waked up hunter. Hunter yawned and blinked a few times to get a better look at his surroundings.

"Hey sleepyhead" i said smiling. "what time is it?" he asked. "6:00, you slept for atleast 3-2 hours" i replied.

"So anyways wanna help prepare dinner?" i asked. He nodded in response.
We wnet over to the kitchen and helped making the food.


I finally got this chapter out, I'm really sorry for not updating, I'm really busy with school and i didn't have motivation to make a chapter.

This wasn't really the best chapter but i hoped you guys still liked it 😅

Anyways that's all i wanted to say, hopefully I'll have more time to update soon.


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