Moving In Pt. 2

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-Hunter's P. O. V-

I headed downstairs, and went to the kitchen,the human also came after me.

After i finished eating dinner, I was heading back to my room until the owl lady called me.

"hey kid, come i have something to tell you." 

"ok" i replied.

I went to the living room where the owl was.

"What?" I said out of confusion.

"so i decided to enroll you to hexside so you can make friends or whatever" she said.

"alright, but I'm unable to perfect magic without my staff"

"it's fine I'll tell bump about it"

"Thanks owl lady"

she cringes at the name. "just call me eda kid"

"ok" i replied and made my way to my shared room.

As i entered i see flapjack on a pillow. I smiled, but i quickly hid it.

I headed to the bathroom to changes into more comfortable clothes to sleep in, afterwards i headed back to the room.

The human was still awake doing something, she didn't even notice me entering.

i hearded to my bed and saw flapjack already sleeping. "goodnight flapjack"

I was about to sleep when the human said. "school starts Monday."


was all i managed to say after i drifted to sleep.


I couldn't sleep without continuing the chapter, but i really hoped you guys like it even though its short.

I'll try to do more soon.
And school starts soon so hopefully i will still have time to update😄

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