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-Hunter's P. O. V-

I woke up to Luz violently shaking me, "Hunter we have school today remember?" She said.

I actually forgot we had school.(If you're wondering where amity amd the twins are, they went home last night since the rain stopped and they had school.)

I got up and headed to the bathroom to prepare, i was wearing a hexside uniform. Except it was a white-ish color unlike Luz.

-Timeskip when they arrived at school-

As we arrived Luz ran over to her girlfriend amity, i followed her since i don't know anywhere around the school.

"Hey Luz do you know where the principals office is?" i asked. She lead me to the principals office and left since class was starting soon.

I knocked on the door and someone said. "Come in" i entered the room to see i supposed to be the principal.

"Ah, you must be hunter am I right?" he asked. "Yes sir" i replied.

"Well hunter if you want to join the decent classes at hexside you must do a test."

"What kind of test?"

"Just show me two spells that you know of."

"Alright" i showed him two spells, it was wasn't that flashy, i just used flapjack to do a big light spell.

"Alright hunter, i was informed that you aren't able to do magic without your staff. So you are allowed to use your staff when performing spells."

"So which track would you like to choose? You can pick as much as you desire."

I sat there and thought for awhile.
"I picked sir"

"What is it?"

"i pick potions" i replied.

"Alright then"

As he said that he changed my uniform it was now yellow. He handed me my schedule.

I checked my schedule, my first class was history.

He gave me directions to my first class before i left.

When i arrived i saw the door already open. The teacher saw me and said. "So everyone we have a new student." she looked at me nodding her head.

I slowly went in. "so class this is hunter, please treat him nicely." (i have no idea how the teachers introduce new students cuz there was never a new student at my school💀)

"hunter how about you sit next to edric over there" she said pointing at edric.

I nodded and made my way to my seat.
After a while class finally started.

"heya goldie" edric said whispering.
"hi" i replied.


I was outside the bathroom waiting for edric to finish.

I was going to lunch with him since i didn't know my way around the school that well.

After a few minutes he finally finished.
"Took you long enough"

"It's wasn't that long."

"it was now where's the cafeteria, i haven't ate yet. I'm starting"

I follow him towards the cafeteria making some small talk along the way.

I was grabbing my food? And edric waited for me to finish.

We headed to Luz and sat in her table? (i swear i do not know what I'm doing)

We started talking about random stuff that was happening. And the food was surprisingly good, i heard people saying the food at lunch was disgusting.

After we ate we headed to our next class.(why does this feel so out of character for hunter)

The teacher just teached us what was the difference of potions and what they do.

After class i headed outside, Luz said she'd meet me there.

As i headed out i bumped into edric.
"Watch out goldie" he said while holding out his hand helping me up.

"Sorry" i replied.

"Don't worry it's fine, so where you heading to?"

"I'm meeting Luz outside."

"Same, me and em are gonna go hangout with mittens. Y'know sibling bonding."

"Sounds like fun"

"Yeah but sometimes they can be annoying but i love them to death, but i won't admit it"

No more motivation for me 🗿
I'm sorry this wasn't the best chapter i had alot of things going on, mostly school.

Speaking of school earlier at my 2 period, science. We had this experiment about homogeneous and hexo something.

We were in groups (also reminder the science teacher is rude asf) we had make a drink and a random combination of junk food, peanuts etc.

And i accidentally spilled coffee onto myself (it was not hot) i was basically holding my tears, im emotional asf. I told the teacher about and she said.
"Atleast you get to tell your mom that you peed your pants and your little sister will probably gonna make fun of you." something like that, i just laughed since i didn't know how to reply, and i remained like that since the end of school.

I literally wanted to cry for like 5 times but y'know,also the teacher was classmates with my aunt so she knows my relatives and stuff.

So that's all thank you for reading and sorry for not updating.


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