grab n go

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Y/n POV:

"Vance give it up you can't beat my high score. You're losing anyways so give it up and let me play." I tell Vance while shaking him "Y/n leave him alone you know he's not going to listen to you, right?" Robin told me while laughing from behind me.

"Well that's too bad because I'm not going to stop" I said as I continued shaking Vance.
Vance screamed at me while turning around.

I wasn't scared of Vance so I just started laughing and pushed him out of the way. Vance started bothering me the exact way I was bothering him.

"Yes! I beat my high score!" I laughed and turned to Vance. He looked really pissed and in disbelief. "What the hell? This shit is rigged how the fuck did you do that?!" He started begging me to tell him how and I just laughed.

"So you're like the toughest guy in school, but can't beat a girl in a simple game?" Robin teased Vance. "That's kind of embarrassing don't you think?" I said while poking Vance's back.

"Can you two just shut up already? I'm trying to focus." Vance fired back at us. "Yeah sure, we all know you're still going to lose." I said and went to the back of Grab N Go to get a snack and a drink.

"H-hi.. Y/n" I heard a male voice say behind me, I turned around "Hi? I'm sorry, do I know you?" I said while trying to remember him. "No we haven't talked, but I sit behind you in history."

"Oh okay! That makes sense" you laugh a little (damn this is kinda awkward💀) "Well I need to pay for these so, excuse me." I say as politely as I can and walk away, I get no response back which I find weird but don't get bothered.

I go back to where Vance and Robin are and lean on the window while drinking (your fav soda). I check my watch and see that it's getting late and tell them I'll be going now.

I then leave the store and hear Robin scream while running towards me and Vance just walking behind him. "Y/n wait up! It's late so you shouldn't walk home alone." Robin tells me.

"Robin I can protect myself but I like the company." I say while laughing. Robin puts his arm around my shoulder and we just talked to each other and laughed.

Vance was pissed the whole time because he still didn't beat my high score and instead I beat it myself or at least that's what I thought. Once we made it to my house I walked up to my front door and unlocked it "Bye losers, see you guys tomorrow." I say while going inside.

They wave goodbye to me, well at least Robin did. Then they continue walking. I take my shoes off and run upstairs to my room. I jump onto my bed and just stare at the ceiling.

I think to myself "That guy at Grab N Go was kinda cute.. can't believe I never noticed him." I start blushing thinking of him but then realize I'm going insane because we spoke like 4 words to each other.

I get up and get changed into something comfortable that I can sleep in and go to my bathroom. I take my makeup off and wash my face, Then brush my teeth and sit on my bed. I just turn off the lights and head to sleep because I was too tired to even function.


𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now