show off

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Y/n POV:
I'm walking with Robin and Vance to the arcade. I notice they're really silent and I get sort of awkward as well.

We get to the arcade and I run inside and they run after me. After getting tickets I grab both of their hands and drag them to the roller rink.

"A roller rink in an arcade?" Robin asks confused. "Crazy right? That's why it's my favorite arcade."

"Hi can I please get 3 pairs of ice skates?" I ask politely "Yes of course. Here you go, I'll need your shoes though."

"Okay thank you, ma'am."

We walk over to a bench and I sit down in the middle. Robin sits on my left and Vance sits on my right.

"Do you guys even know how to ice skate?" I ask while putting on my ice skates.

"No." They both say at the same time while turning to look at me.

I get up "Great I'll teach you." I grab their hands again and they almost fall. I laugh and just keep dragging them to the rink.

"It's smooth, you won't get hurt. Just let your body move and just imagine you're walking." I let go of their hands and start spinning around and then start walking backwards.

"If you fall don't worry, no one cares. They're just minding their business having fun." I say as I skate away to the other side of the rink.

"Show off." Vance mumbles and Robin laughs.

"Whatever! I hope you fall on your butt" I scream considering I'm on the other side of the rink.

"How did you even hear that?!" Vance screams.

I then see someone.

Vance POV:
"Show off." I mumble and Robin laughs. I thought he was mad at me, why is laughing?

"Whatever! I hope you fall on your butt" Y/n screams.

"How did you even hear that?!" I scream clearly confused.

I look away and start focusing trying to get better balance so I don't fall.

"Hey man, I'm sorry." Robin says to me.

I turn to him confused on why he's apologizing. "Don't apologize, It's fine." I mumble.

"Does that mean we're okay now?"


"Awesome!" Robin says jumping up and down like a 3 year old.

"Wait.." He says looking where Y/n was.

"Where is Y/n?"

(Sry that this chapter is so short, I don't have any ideas rn but I promise it'll get more interesting and the next part will be longer!)

𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now