do you maybe.. (final)

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A/n: yes this is the final. and yes i left u on a cliff hanger, enjoyyyy 🥰

"Hey Vance." I say opening my window.

"Robin?" Vance asks while getting in. "Hey man."

"Hey, what were you guys doing?" Vance asks with a raised eyebrow. "Nothing, we were watching random stuff with Gracie."

"Okay, cool." Vance says as he sits next to Robin on my bed. I leave the room to check up on Gracie and she looks fine.

She's growing up so fast, It feels like she was just born yesterday. I smile and feel arms snake around my waist and a head on my shoulder.

I smile knowing it's Vance and turn around. He immediately kisses me and I smile. "You're literally obsessed with me" I say teasing him.

"Yeah I am." He replies back with a stupid smirk. I giggle and he kisses me again. "Ew!" I hear a voice say behind me.

We both quickly pull away and see Gracie with her hands on her hips. "What were you two doing?" She asks with a serious face.

"Nothing.. go to bed." I say picking her up and putting her in her room. I then close the door and laugh. Vance pulls me in again but he doesn't kiss me and he just stares at me.

"What?" I ask confused. "You're beautiful. That's all" He says smiling and then he picks me up and runs to my room.

We end up hanging out. Me, Robin, Vance and Gracie.

sooo... you're 19 😚 and bae is 20
Vance POV:
I'm waiting for Y/n outside her apartment with flowers, I sigh and knock on her door.

She opens it and smiles, Wow she's gorgeous.

"These are for you." I mumble as I give her the flowers. "Wow they're beautiful, thank you." She goes inside to her apartment and puts them in a vase.

I smile and she grabs my hand. She then starts running. "Wait!" I say trying to catch up with her. "How are you running so fast with heels on?" I say catching my breath and she laughs.

"I don't know to be honest. But we're here now." She says putting her hands on her hips. She walks into Grab N Go and starts playing.

"After this we can go to dinner and have fun." She says really fast trying to focus.

"Okay, but don't worry. I'm already having fun."

Y/n POV:
It's our 3 year anniversary, we always go to Grab N Go and play pinball to celebrate. Then, go out and eat dinner, and other fun stuff.

We were having so much fun and then we went back to my apartment. We turned on a movie and Vance had his head on my chest and I was playing with his hair.

Vance wouldn't stop looking at me and I giggled "Why are you staring at me. Pay attention to the movie." I say and he puts his hands on my wait so he can move up closer.

I feel butterflies in my stomach as he's right above me. He leans down and kisses me, he suddenly flips me over so now I'm on top.

I smile and lean down to kiss him. We end up making out (bye cause I hope thats not weird... I don't want this to seem like smut or smth😀)

He got more aggressive as we continued but then he pulled away. "Do you maybe.." he says stopping himself.

"Maybe what?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Nothing." He says looking away and I raise an eyebrow. "Tell meeeee" I beg shaking him.

"Fine.." he says but goes quiet. "Okay, spill your beans."

"Do you maybe.. wanna have kids?"


HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO BAD BUT.. im gonna cry. 😍 this is the end of this story.. YES I LEFT YOU HORNDOGS ON A FILTHY CLIFF HANGER i changed the name of this story like 50 million times but that's okay!!! hope u enjoyed. PS.. Junior got snatched and was never found🥰🥰 then Iris died a slow death and nobody cried😊😊 but yaaaaa that's all.... I hated every second of this and feel guilty cause I lowk scammed u guys but uh yeaaaah junior and iris hate club, ill be the president☺️

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