high score

5.3K 91 230

Y/n POV:
"Y/n get off dude it's my turn."

"Vance you sound like a child shut the fuck up." I roll my eyes and keep focusing.

"You're gonna lose. If I can't beat your high score you won't be able to either."

"Come on man, don't be so harsh." Robin says trying to help the situation.

Vance's eyes widen and so do mine. I slightly smirk as I hear the machine yell.


"Holy shit! Finally!!" I jump up and down until Vance pushes me. "Hey! Not cool dude."

"Whatever." He mumbles while REALLY focusing. "Asshole." I mumble while walking over to the slushies station area.😭

"Hey Y/n, you like anyone?" Robin asks while I get a slushie. "Nah, I kissed junior though. Not that big of the deal it was just his cheek though."

"Holy shit, why didn't you tell me?" Robin asks "I don't know, it happened quickly. He's just not my type though." I say while walking backwards.

"A 5 please." The guy at the cashier says. I get 5 dollars from my back pocket and put it on the counter. "Thank you, ma'am."

"See, now that's my type." I say to Robin obviously making fun of him (PLS SAY YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I MEANT💀)

"Okay now, let's be for real." Robin says "What even is your type. You're kinda weird."

"Excuse you?" I say kinda offended. "Whatever, I guess I like if he's like a Big Baby"

"So, Vance?" Robin says laughing.

"Shut up robin." Vance says while focusing on the pinball game.

"Basically, but anyways. I guess yeah Big Baby, and if he's like really nice to me, Y'know?" "Oh and I love fluffy and or curly hair."

"Okay you can stop describing Vance now."

"Robin, it's not Vance. Vance isn't even nice to me.. did you not see him just push me like 5 minutes ago?" I say rolling my eyes

"Yeah , I guess.." I see some kids play fighting and get nervous cause there getting real close to the pinball machine.

One of them bumps into the machine causing Vance to lose. "Shit. Robin get ready" I mumble.


"Robin, now!" I say running to the cashier distracting him.

"So.. why haven't I seen you around?" I say flirting as Robin runs to turn the power off so Vance won't get the police called on him.

"I'm a senior, you're a sophomore correct?"

"Yes indeed correct." I get a piece of paper with my number on it and slide it on the counter as he draws his attention to the fight.

(You have that phone nancy had in s1 so you have your own phone number and phone but it's still the 70s-80s so it's like those old phones)

"Alright bye now!" I say running to Vance and dragging him as Robin catches up behind.

"Dude, you need to focus on those anger issues. You're lucky we saved your ass back there, you could've gotten arrested." I scold him and he just looks so upset.

"Hey, I'm not trying to be mean or anything of the sort. I'm here Vance, I'm your friend okay?"

"Thanks I guess."

I hug Vance and his eyes widen but he hugs me back.

"Okay love birds let's go." Robin says. "Chill out dude" I say while walking backwards.

Robin picks me up again and starts running. "Hey! Put me down!" I scream kind of scared he'll drop me."

"Dumbasses." Vance mumbles as he starts running after us.

They stay over at my house and we fall asleep in my room on the ground.

𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now