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A/n: I have no motivation to write this fight cause im sick but ill just skip to after the fight lmfao 😭 oh and fyi Vance won ofc 🤭

Y/n POV:
Everyone is still chanting and screaming while I'm just standing there in shock.

I knew Vance was mad, just didn't expect there to be an actual fight. Vance was still punching Junior and there was so much blood.

I was about to do something until a teacher came up and pulled Vance away. They took Vance to the principals office and soon after I was called down too.

"Why am I here?"

"Sit down, Y/n."

I roll my eyes and slowly sit down.

"So, Angela is currently in the hospital and so is Junior." She says trying to keep calm.

"Okay? What do I have to do with that."

"Y/n, you're the reason she's in the hospital."

"I didn't even hit her that hard. She's overreacting. It wasn't a big deal"

"This violence will not be tolerated here. Go to detention. We'll figure out what to do with you two."

"Yeah fuck that." Vance says getting up.

"Alright." I say getting up and actually listening.

I leave the room and Vance runs after me.

"You're actually going to listen to her?"

"Yeah. I don't want even worse discipline. Do what you want but I'm gonna listen to her."

I open the door and walk inside. I sit down by the desk near the window. I start looking outside until someone sits next to me.

"I thought you weren't coming?"

"Change of plans." Vance says smiling.

Truth is, I missed him. He's been my best friend since elementary.

"I'm sorry." I mumble

"For what?"

"For everything.. I've been so unreasonable with you and-"

Vance cuts me off as he kisses me.

My eyes widen and I kiss back.

He pulls away with a small smirk. "Sorry, couldn't help it."

I try not to smile and turn to look at the window.

He knows I'm smiling but he doesn't say anything.

I turn back to look at him and catch him staring at me, he quickly turns to look away.

I smile and break the silence. "After we leave, do you wanna hang out?" Not knowing how long we would be there.

"Of course." He says still not turning to look at me. Soon after he turns to me and smiles.

The principal walks in and tells us we will have to clean the cafeteria the next day and that we have to stay for 30 more minutes.

It was getting late and I was getting tired.

After a few minutes I lay my head on the desk. (A/n: how tf do you even explain this position.. I'll just show a picture cause idk how to explain what I'm thinking abt

 I'll just show a picture cause idk how to explain what I'm thinking abt

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idk why but this is so funny to me LMAO)

I end up falling asleep and then wake up to someone shaking me.

"Wake up Y/n. It's been like 20 minutes already."

"10 more minutes.." I say thinking I'm in bed😭.

"Okay sure." He picks me up and throws me on his shoulder and he starts walking.

Time skip // idk ig walking home?

"Put me down already." I say still half asleep.

He puts me down and he grabs my hand. I get surprised but smile, we get to my house and knock on the door.

"Hello there, where have you two been?" My mom asks.

"Detention." I say kind of disappointed in myself.

"Are you guys okay though?" She asks worried.

"Yes we're fine, I just came to drop Y/n off though." I turn to Vance confused because I thought he was sleeping over.

"Vance you should sleep over, it's getting late! It's very dangerous." My mom tells him.

I walk inside while they're still talking and go up to my room. I'm too tired to even say anything so I just take off my shoes and fall asleep.

Vance POV:
Y/n's mom told me to stay the night because it was late so I'm going upstairs to Y/n's room.

Once I open the door I see her sleeping.

I can tell she's gonna be in pain when she wakes up because she's in a bad position. I gently adjust her and leave some space for myself.

I take off my shoes and lay on the other side of her bed, not touching her.

I didn't want to touch her without consent. Until I felt arms wrap around me.

It was Y/n, her arms wrapped around me and I could feel her breathing on my back.

I turned around to look at her and can't help but smile. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

(A/n: I really didn't know what to do with this chapter so I'm so sorry that this is so bad I feel like this story is getting worse as it goes on 😭)

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