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(A/n: idea by Azziiiii_
this is the day of the project, friday.)

Vance POV:
I'm climbing Y/n's roof and I hear talking from her room. I ignore it and keep climbing. I loudly knock on her window and she opens her curtains.

She then opens her window "Vance what the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be working on the project with iris?!" She whisper yells.

"I'm not doing that shit with her, I payed her 50 bucks so she does it alone." She rolls her eyes and I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah okay, but still. What are you doing here? Some of us are actually working hard on this project." She says and I smile

"I'm bored, just wanted to stop by. Y'know?"

"I'm working with junior I don't have time for this. Bye Vance, don't get kidnapped." She teases and closes her window and closes her curtains.

I gasp and I almost fall off her roof. I then go to Iris's house.

I wanted to hang out with Y/n so badly. I missed her, she didn't talk to me at school today.

time skipppp at her house...

"Hey, Iris." I whisper yell as I knock on her window.

"Vance? What's up!" She smiles helping me up. She is much nicer than Y/n. But I love that about Y/n. "I wanted to hangout, I have nothing to do anyways so I decided to stop by."

I notice her sort of red while looking at the ground. I lift her chin up and look at her.

She turns even more red "You alright, The hell are you looking down for?" I say trying to be as kind as possible.

"S-sorry!" She stutters while looking back down. She realizes and quickly looks back up at me.

"It's fine."

It was so obvious she had a crush on me, half the school knew she liked me.

I had a plan.

"Hey Iris.." I say getting closer to her.


"Do you want to be my fake girlfriend? Maybe even real, you never know." I say with a smirk.

Iris POV:
Holy shit! Vance hopper just asked me to be his girlfriend!! Well.. fake girlfriend.

But I'll still take it, even if it's all fake I still get to have him as mine.

I will get him to fall in love with me.

"Okay! Sure what are the rules?" I say smiling

Vance POV:
"Listen, whenever Y/n is around you have to flirt with me the most, you can flirt however you want in school."

"Okay.." she says still unsure.

"Listen it's fine if you don't w-" I get cut off and my eyes widen as she kisses me.

I put my hands around her waist and kiss back.

She pulls away and apologizes. "Great, didn't expect you to kickstart. But oh you're bold." I say chuckling and she smiles.

I grab her wrist and take her to her bed. "Hey turn on a movie." I tell her and she gets up but quickly comes back.

I pull her onto my lap and she lays on me. I rub her back and she falls asleep. She is cute, not my type though.

(sry if this part was boring i just rlly wanted to do his pov since we never found out what his "plan" was !🤗)

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