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Y/n POV:
"Hey Y/n.. wake up you're pissing me off."

"Leave me alone.." I quickly get up and stare and the blurry figure in my room.

It's Vance?! "What are you doing here."

"Y/n what do you mean? We wanted to check up on you."

"We? Where's Robin." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Oh no! Not Robin. He left a while ago, Iris is here. She's with your mom downstairs."

"What. Are you joking?"

"No? She's coming up right now I think."

"Hey Y/n! You're up now!" She says smiling.

"Hey." I get up and ask her to wait outside for a moment.

"Vance what the hell?"

"What?" He asks me totally clueless.

"Oh, so all of a sudden you're dating Iris?! Weren't you making fun of her a few days ago? Literally you make no sense. Why didn't you tell me? You're so annoying! One day you're flirting with me and the other you're being mean to me. Why can't you just be nice to me? What did I ever do to you? Stop playing with my feelings. At this point just kiss me then punch me in the face."

"I-" Vance tries to speak but I cut him off.

"Listen, I'm sorry but can you just please leave my house and take Iris with you?"

"Sorry.." he mumbles and leaves with Iris.

Time skip // Next Week|Friday

Y/n POV:
I haven't talked to Vance since. It went from a trio to two duos with Robin in the middle.

Me and Junior got closer, Robin introduced me to his friends Finney and Gwen. I've been walking to school with them since they live near my house.

"Hey guys wait up!" I say running after them.

"Hey Y/n!" They say smiling.

We start walking to the school and I see Vance and his friend group.

I see one of his friends point and me and he laughs then I just look at the ground.

"Hey babe." I overhear Vance say to Iris.

I roll my eyes and shove past them.

I start unlocking my locker and when I'm going to open it someone shuts it before I can properly open it.

"What." I ask seeing Angela. The biggest bitch in the school.

"So, rumor has it you like Vance."

I start unlocking my locker and laugh to myself "Yeah like I would like a fucking man whore."

I try opening it again and she shuts it again, this time I turn to her. "The hell is your problem?"

"Don't give me attitude, you snobby bitch. No wonder Vance stopped talking to you. He couldn't handle you, you psycho."

"Okay yeah that's enough." I grab her books from her hand and throw them at her with full force.

She falls on her back and I grab her by her shirt and smash her head into my locker leaving her blood on it.

I rub the blood on my hand and smear it on her pretty pink shirt. I drop her and she hits her head then screams "OW! MY HEAD!"

"Y'know you're all talk but have the slowest reflexes and you're weak. Just leave me alone."

I hear someone clapping and turn around to see Vance. "Can't remember the last time I saw you fight someone or defend yourself. Can't lie I'm pretty impressed."

"Fucking stalker." I mumble getting my books.

I shove past him again and walk to first period.

Vance follows me, "Hey babe!" Oh yeah forgot to mention, Me and Junior are dating.

Junior grabs my waist and pulls me in.

I smile as he kisses me and he then smiles too. He pulls away and holds my hand.

He takes me to my seat and kisses my forehead. I smile and he smiles back while going to his seat.

Time skip // End of Last Period

I'm getting my things as Vance is trying to start a conversation with me.

I roll my eyes as he's still following me. I open the door and go to my next class early just so I can leave my books there.

The lights were on which is weird, but I open the door anyways. I drop my books as I open the door to see Iris and Junior kissing.

"What the fuck?!" I hear Vance ask behind me. "Oh my god.." I mumble in shock.

"I- It's not what it looks like I swear!" Junior says and Iris nods trying to get out of the situation.

I run out the classroom and Junior runs after me.

"Y/n wait!"

"Leave me alone!" I run while going to the bathroom. I lock myself in a stall.

"Please Y/n. I promise it wasn't what you think it was."

I unlock the stall and he tries to grab my waist.

"Don't touch me. If it wasn't you kissing Iris then what the fuck was it?"


"No. I'm done listening to you."

I slap him and run out the bathroom.

I see Vance with Iris.

"Well why are you so mad? This whole relationship was fake anyways!" I overhear Iris screaming at Vance.

"Well maybe it was fake. That doesn't mean I didn't actually like you." Iris's eyes widen as Vance says that.

"Y-you actually liked me?" She asks still in shock.

"Yeah. I did, but not anymore." And with that he walked away and she started crying.

She saw me and rolled her eyes as she ran after Vance.

"Y/n, Hey!" Robin says as he's running towards me with a big smile.

"Hey Robin, what's up?"

"I did it! I got an A+ in math!"

"Really? That's great!!" I say like a proud mom.

"Yeah super! Do you know where Finn is so I can thank him for helping me?"

"No.. but he has a game today around 5pm you can thank him then!"

"Oh okay sure! Bye Y/n I have to go!"

"Bye Robin." I love having Robin as my best friend, he's so amazing.

I start walking to my class and pick up my books. I put them on my desk and I leave the room.

I start scanning the halls to make sure Junior wasn't there and I spot a crowd. "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Shit.. A fight this early in the morning?" I walk over to the crowd and shove while apologizing just so I can see who's fighting.

It's Junior and Vance.

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