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Vance POV:
"Y/n hurry up. We have to find Robin" I tell her while I get closer to her. She looks up at me and slightly pushes me "Be grateful I'm even here." I roll my eyes and just walk while ignoring her.

Y/n POV:
Vance is being annoying again, but I don't mind it. He starts walking and I follow until I see that cute guy from Grab N Go and go up to him "Hey! How are you?" I ask slightly blushing. Without realizing Vance is waiting while standing behind me.

"I'm doing great Y/n! How are you?" He reply's looking above me and then back down at me. "I'm great but I should get going, what's your name?" "My name is Junior." He says with a smile.

"Okay, bye junior!!" I smile back and walk with Vance. "Okay, bye junior" Vance mocks. I hit his shoulder and just keep walking.

(btw you are like super popular and could make any guy fall to his knees. you rarely get into fights but if you did, there would be tons of blood. vance was the same as you, just that he always got into fights. robin was the same as well but only fought if he had to and to protect his friends. you three were the most loved and feared in the school. like a power trio🤭 get it? power trio? power couple.. ok whatever you get my point😭)

small timeskip cause idk what to add 😍
Second Person POV:
You are currently in your first period. Which is History. You absolutely hate History, but then remember that cute guy sits behind you.

You turn around and slightly smile and turn back around. Vance notices and looks back then just glances at you. You notice but brush it off.

Your teacher catches your attention as he says "Okay class, I will be assigning partners for this project." You roll your eyes hoping to be paired with Vance cause well he's like your best friend.

"Okay so how about.. Melanie with Violette, Vance with Iris, Y/n with Junior, blah blah blah," You and Vance turn to each other.

"He always parented us together?"You whisper yell to Vance. "I guess he had a change of heart." Vance says trying to hold in his laugh. "You're an asshole."

"Y/n is there something you would like to share with the class?" Your teacher asks. "Um no sorry." You say as you roll your eyes. You turn to Vance trying to hold in his laughter.

You kick him and he goes serious. "Not cool." He says trying not to beat the shit out of you and keeping calm. You smile as the bell rings.

You turn to Junior and ask "Your house or mine?" "Uh we can go to yours!" He says with a smile. You smile back "Okay! Sounds like a plan" you smile back.

You get your things and leave the room. As your putting your things in the locker you see Robin running up to you.

"Hey Y/n, What's happening" He says leaning on the lockers "Hey Robin, nothing much" You smile while putting your things away. "So you passing by Grab N Go today?"

"No, I have this stupid History project to do." You roll your eyes. "I'm assuming Vance isn't going either then?" "You know he goes either way, but he got partnered with someone else. Fucking asshole, you know. I hate Mr. Clark, I swear he has something against me."

"Well that's a first, I'm sure you'll be fine. But anyways I'm gonna go. I have math." "Good luck, you'll need it." You giggle as you see Robin run to his class.

(This chapter was a bit longer but I had fun making this😭 and I hope you liked it!!! <3  but anyways sorry for releasing this a little bit later, I was busy today getting stuff ready for school.😃 again, sorry for any spelling mistakes I made this in a rush cause it's almost 12am.. BYE GUYS ILY)

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