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Y/n POV:

I wake up to my alarm going crazy, I start smacking it super aggressively because I accidentally set it up to ring an hour earlier which was 7am and i normally wake up at 8 which gives me only a few minutes to get ready.

I get super annoyed and try to go back to sleep, I can't manage to fall asleep so I just get up and do my regular routine. I put on a simple but cute outfit. I walk out my room and get my backpack from the living room.

"Morning mom!" I say smiling "Good morning honey, you're up early today?" She asks me while she makes breakfast. "Yeah, I accidentally set up my alarm to ring earlier." "Well at least you won't be late running out the door.

School starts soon so be on your way now!" She stuffs toast in my mouth and I nod while walking out. I start walking to school whilst listening to music on my Walkman.

Vance POV:

I'm waiting for Y/n where I usually meet her, in front of the school. I turn and see a guy standing there waiting for someone. He comes up to me and asks "Are you also waiting for Y/n?"

Also? What the hell does this guy want with her? "Also? What do you want from her." He looks at me confused "Nothing. Just wanted to say hey to her, nothing more."

I roll my eyes and lean on the wall like I was. He goes back to where he was and mumbles "asshole." I glare at him and try to keep it together. God I hate this guy. It's so obvious he likes Y/n and it's pissing me off.

She finally gets to school.

𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now