a plan

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Vance POV:
I wanted to hang out with Y/n so badly. I missed her, she didn't talk to me at school today. But I decided to meet up with Iris.

time skipppp at her house...

Still Vance POV:
"Hey, Iris." I whisper yell as I knock on her window.

"Vance? What's up!" She smiles helping me up. She is much nicer than Y/n. But I love that about Y/n. "I wanted to hangout, I have nothing to do anyways so I decided to stop by."

I notice her sort of red while looking at the ground. I lift her chin up and look at her.

She turns even more red "You alright, The hell are you looking down for?" I say trying to be as kind as possible.

"S-sorry!" She stutters while looking back down. She realizes and quickly looks back up at me.

"It's fine."

It was so obvious she had a crush on me, half the school knew she liked me.

I had a plan.

Y/n POV:
Junior was leaving, I was still surprised that I kissed him.

I decided to watch TV.

time skip.. the next morning
(sry for so many time skips😭)

Still Y/n POV:
I wake up and start stretching in pain. (Because you didn't wanna wake up🤨🤝🏼)

"Sweetie! Vance is here." Seriously? What does he want now. I think to myself as I roll my eyes and roll down my bed.

I fall and bang my head on the floor and scream "OW." I pat my head and slowly get up.

Vance runs in my room and asks "Are you okay?" He puts out his hand so he can help me up.

"Yeah I'm fine, what's up?" I say as I let go of his hand. "So, it's Saturday.. wanna go out to Grab N Go with Robin?" "Seriously? Okay sure." I roll my eyes jokingly.

"Okay get out now and stop staring at me creep. I have to change" I say laughing and pushing him out of my room.

I pick out an outfit and walk out. Vance is still in my house talking to my mom.

"Yeah! He was super nice, but he gave off an odd vibe. Please take care of her for me Vance." I overhear my mom say.

"Okay Vance let's go." They get startled and turn around.

"Sorry." I say while laughing.

"Alright let's go." Vance opens the door, "Ladies first" he says with that stupid smirk. "Okay, that's enough." I say still laughing and going outside.

"Hey Robin!" I say smiling and run up to give him a hug.

He picks me up and spins me around.

"Hey Y/n."

Robin puts me down and I feel someone grab my waist and pick me up.

I scream and Vance puts me down while laughing. "Your face was so funny." Robin says while laughing at me as well.

I hit both of their shoulders and tell them we should just go already. We start walking to Grab N Go. I honestly don't understand why I said I would go.

It's just gonna be me arguing with vance about pinball and him beating people up.

"So.." Robin says breaking the silence. I look at him confused.

"I think that Junior kid likes you, I mean all the guys at school have liked you at some point. Even Vance fell once." Robin says.

Vance glances at Robin "That was a long time ago. I don't like her anymore and never will."

I laugh and they turn to look at me confused. "The hell are you laughing at now?" Vance snaps at me for no reason😭.

"It's just funny dude. Sorry" I say with a sarcastic tone. "Well we're here." We hear Robin say and I glance at Vance to see him already starting.

I push him and run towards Grab N Go "You little bitch!" Vance yells as he runs after me. "Okay then." Robin says as he sighs and runs after us.

𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now