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Robin POV:
I wake up on Y/n's floor, she is nowhere to be found. I brush it off and just stretch while getting up from her floor.

I dust off my clothes just in case they got dirty from sleeping on the floor. I sit on her bed and start thinking.

Vance still hasn't told Y/n about his feelings. I haven't told anyone at all, I've liked Y/n ever since we met. But I can't tell Vance, I want them to be happy. But I have to at least tell Y/n.

(I wasn't lying when I said y/n was popular bro😭 she's pulling them bitches)

"Hey Robin!" Y/n says as she walks out of her bathroom, she's beautiful.

"Hey Y/n." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Vance is still passed out, but anyways. My mom made food. You can go eat while I wake him up."

"Actually, can I tell you something?" I ask hoping she says yes.

"Yeah sure what's up?"


"Okay sure!" She says totally oblivious.

I sigh knowing I'll regret saying this "I like you Y/n, I like you a lot. I have ever since I met you. But there's an issue."

"Oh! Well, What's the issue?"

"Vance likes you. Wait - holy shit. I wasn't supposed to say that. Please forget I said that."

"Oh.. Okay, cool."

"Cool? Y/n are you being serious?"

"Yeah I don't mind, it's kinda obvious. Well Vance liking me is kinda unexpected.. but you? Robin it's the most expected ever. We're really close and do almost everything together.

It's honestly just common sense that you'll catch feelings for me eventually."

"I guess you're right. Just don't tell him please."

"I won't, promise." She says while smiling.

Vance POV:
I wake up and don't see anyone in Y/n's room. I can't help but to snoop around.

I get up and check out her wall where she has a ton of polaroid pictures of her with her friends. I can't help but notice one where she looks so young.

She was probably 13 (y/n is 16) when the picture was taken. I imagine she's had this wall full of pictures for a while now.

I keep snooping until I hear the door open.

"Hey guys." I get no response, I raise an eyebrow "The hell happened to you guys?"

"Nothing! Let's go eat." Y/n quickly says as she runs out the door. Robin looks at me for a second and runs after her.

Did I do something? What is going on.

I roll my eyes and just follow them. I greet Y/n's mom. "Good morning," I say with a small smile. Y/n's mom has always been there for me. She's been like my mom ever since my mom died.

"Good morning sweetie!" She replies smiling and placing down our plates.

She comes up to me and whispers "What's wrong with them?"

"I don't know, they've been acting weird."

"It's okay Vance, you'll find out soon." She says with a wink (not a weird way.. yk when your parents wink at you?😭) and I just look at her confused.

Y/n POV:
I try to not make eye contact with Vance but can't help seeing he's already staring at me.

"So...." I say breaking the silence and they both turn to me. "Do you guys want to go to an arcade?" Vance raises an eyebrow.

I already know he wants to play pinball the whole time just to beat my high score which won't be happening.

"Vance, we agreed to only play pinball at Grab N Go. Not anywhere else."

"Yeah but it's going to be boring anyways. We never hang out like that so we won't even know what to do."

"I do actually, I have other friends besides you guys. We go to the arcade all the time, and I've never played pinball behind your back."


"Vance what the hell do you mean whatever? You're not playing pinball and that's final."

"Jeez okay "mom."

Robin slightly laughs before I glance at him.

"Okay, what the hell is going on." Vance say's clearly tired of our awkwardness.

"Noth-" I get cut off by Robin "I have to talk to you, privately." Vance gets up slowly and confused.

I just stay in my seat and continue to eat.

No one's POV:
While Y/n is eating Robin and Vance are talking.

R: So...

V: Get to the point.

R: I sort of like Y/n and told her but then she asked why and I accidentally told her that you liked her, now she knows and is sort of awkward around the both of us because she doesn't know what to do. Sorry

V: Sorry, The fuck did you just say?

R: It was an accident!

Y/n then hears rumbling coming from where Vance and Robin went. Y/n walks over to the noise and it's Vance trying to kill Robin. (Not actually but like trying to beat him up😭)

"Vance what the hell?" Robin screams

"Vance calm down, what happened?" Y/n says splitting the two up.

"Were you trying to fucking ruin me or something? I told you not to tell her." Vance says aggressively considering he's really mad😍.

"Well I know now, and eventually I was going to find out. I don't care if you like me Vance, I won't tell anyone." Y/n says

"I guess.." Vance says and Robin sighs in relief.

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