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Y/n POV;
"Y/n please let me come inside."

"Are you okay, Shouldn't you be in the hospital?"

Even if he cheated I still felt bad for him. I reach out my hand helping him up.

"I'm sorry okay, and yes I'm fine. Only reason I needed to go to the hospital was to see a patient. I wasn't that hurt." He says with a small smile.

I scoff as I say "Oh, makes sense. That fucking principal was just making up excuses."

I hear a loud bang on my window and we both turn. It was actually Vance this time.

I hadn't closed my curtains so he was standing there in shock. I was really scared Junior would get even more hurt.

I started freaking out and Vance somehow opened my window. "The hell are you doing here?" Vance asks Junior.

"Can I not visit my girlfriend?"

I scoff once again, "I'm sorry, girlfriend?"

Vance doesn't say anything, I'm guessing he thought we got back together.

He doesn't say anything and he leaves.

"Vance wait!" I run up to my window and see him leaving my house.

"Shit, You're an asshole." I slap him again.

He grabs his cheek "Why the fuck do you always slap me?" He then leaves.

I start pacing back and forth around my room not knowing what to do. Why the hell did he say that? Oh. Right, I never officially broke up with him.

I roll my eyes as I jump onto my bed. I end up falling asleep. I wake up to Gracie jumping on my bed.

"Gracie get off.." I say stretching.

"No! Where's Vance!"

"It's like 10pm... why would he be here."

"I heard a lot of noise a few hours ago!" She says jumping off my bed and falling.

She starts crying and I quickly get up.

"Be careful, Gracie." I pick her up and place her on my bed.

"It hurts." She says still crying, "You're okay." I say with a smile trying to comfort her as I'm currently half asleep.

She puts her hands up signaling for me to pick her up and as I pick her up I spin her around and I laugh remembering when Vance and Robin used to do that to me.

I realize that she's dressed in a way that she would be if she were to go out somewhere so I tell her to wait downstairs and watch TV, I'll get ready and take her out to a park or something.

I put on a basic outfit, I wasn't feeling it today either way so I didn't care about how I looked. I got her little backpack and put it on my shoulder and picked her up from the couch.

I got the keys from the kitchen counter and slid them into my pocket, we started walking and messing around until I saw bruce.

I never talked to him but he was a very handsome boy, he was very good at baseball too. I only really knew him because he went to my school and finney played with him once.

I waved at him and he waved back smiling. He approached me and we ended up walking around with Gracie and she seemed to like him.

We were at a park and Gracie was on the swings and bruce was pushing her and I was just watching with a big smile. Bruce was really sweet, and he was easy going too.

He was easy to talk to, it honestly felt like I was talking to my mom. Which was a good thing, my mom was very comforting and I loved her so much.

I had a feeling we will become great friends.

𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | vance hopperWhere stories live. Discover now