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Vance POV:
"What the hell?" I say trying to get to the other side as fast as possible.

"Where could she have gone this time?" Robin says following me.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom."

"No way, she would've told us. Wait.. is that her over there?" Robin says pointing at a girl and a guy talking by the entrance.

"Yeah. It's her, and junior."

"Let's go then." Robin says running over to them.

"Hey Y/n!" Robin screams as I sigh.

Y/n POV:
I see Junior. He waves to me and I wave back.

He signals for me to come over to where he is so I leave the rink and take off my skates as he talks to me.

I've never liked anyone except for Vance in 7th grade. Besides him I've never liked anyone so I felt bad for Junior.

I got up and hugged junior. He hugged me back and slightly pulled away while making eye contact.

"Why're you hugging me?" He asks confused.

"I'm sorry." I mumble


"Sorry, I said you just make me feel comfortable."

"Oh, that's good." He says with a smile and pulling away from the hug.

We then start talking about random stuff.

"Hey Y/n!" I hear Robin scream.

I quickly turn around and say "Oh hey Robin!" with a smile on my face.

"Hey, what's up dude?" Junior says looking at Robin confused.

"Nothing, just wanted to say hi to Y/n. We were hanging out and thought she got lost."

"Hey" Vance comes up behind Robin.

"Hey Vance!" I say smiling. This time Junior didn't say anything.

"Y/n we should get going. It's getting late." Robin says.

"What? We just got here! It's barely 2pm." I say clearly annoyed.

"Yeah but we've been here for a while." Vance adds on as he grabs my wrist.

"Fine.. bye Junior!" I say and kiss his cheek. Vance and Robins eyes widen and Vance just pulls me away.

Vance was looking at the ground the whole time when we were going to my house.

Robin wouldn't say anything either but he wasn't looking at the ground. I was confused but didn't think much of it.

We continue walking and Vance stops all of a sudden. "Alright bye guys." Vance says walking away from us and to a random house.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"This is Iris's house. I'm stopping by" He says as he starts climbing her roof.

"Alright dude bye." I say, I don't know why but I felt mad.

"Later man!" Robin screams.

I start running to my house (not dramatically just normal running lmfao😭)

Robin starts chasing after me, they were sleeping over at my house again so we were all going together, until Vance stopped at Iris's house.

"Hey.. change of plans." I say stopping. "Follow me!" I say as I start running in another direction.

"Y/n, wait!" Robin screams trying to catch up with me.

We get to Grab N Go.

"Y/n, what are we doing here?"

"Let's get snacks so we can watch a movie!"

"Okay.." Robin follows me in and sighs.

I see a boy on the pinball machine and notice he's getting close to beating my high score.

My eyes widen as I hear


"Shit." I mumble and look at the ground. I need to beat it, but I promised Vance I would only play if he was there.

"Get out of my way!" I run and push the boy out of the way. I can't help but start playing pinball.

I hear the front door open but can't bother to think of who was walking in.

"Hell yeah." I immediately start getting close to the high score. This was easier than I thought it would be.

I beat it and hear it say


The boy looks at me wondering how I beat it so quickly and then I hear someone say "What the fuck is this shit?!"

I quickly turn and see Vance with Iris by the entrance.

"Vance what are y-" He pushes me out of the way and immediately gets on the pinball machine.

"Hey Y/n!" Iris says standing behind Vance.

"Hey Iris, what's up?" I say smiling.

"Well, Vance said he wanted to spend some time with me, isn't that right?" She says as she wraps her arms around him.

"Yeah." He says smiling but still focusing on the game. What the hell is going on??

"Oh.. uh are you guys dating or something?" I say awkwardly.

"Yeah we are." Vance says still focusing.


Of course he had to beat my high score right now in this moment. My eyes then widen as he turns around and kisses her.

She giggles and they walk to the back of the store. I feel my eyes getting watery as I stay in place. Robin saw everything and ran towards me.

He then hugged me "It's gonna be okay, forget the snacks. Let's go." He says slightly smiling.

"Okay.. let's go." I say trying not to cry. We leave the store and once we get to my house we turn on the TV to get my mind off of it.

Robin has his arm around my shoulder and I place my head on his shoulder. He smiles and I fall asleep.


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