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Y/n POV:
After hanging out with Bruce we went home and I put Gracie to bed, she was tired. She was having a lot of fun though.

I was looking forward to the next day.

time skipppp // the next day

I wake up to my alarm, I didn't want to get up. It was 8:00am. I should've gotten up sooner. After a few seconds of stretching and rolling around.

I got up, I did my makeup and put on a cute outfit. I wanted to look presentable today, no reason on why exactly just wanted to look good.

I grabbed my backpack from the couch and put it on, I went to get breakfast and just got a small container of strawberries my mom had left in the fridge.

As I was eating them bruce approached me. "Hey Y/n!" He said smiling. "Hey bruce." I said smiling back as I was eating a strawberry.

"How's Gracie?"

"Good" I say with a smile.

Out of nowhere I feel arms snake around my waist from behind and pick me up and I scream for my life.

They put me down and I turn around and see Robin. Bruce and Robin start laughing, I'm assuming they planned that out.

I roll my eyes and keep on walking and they chase after me. "Have you seen Vance?" Robin asks.

"Nope" I say looking at the ground.

I changed the subject and we talked about other random things, we arrived at school.

"Good morning, Y/n." My teacher says "Morning."

I sit down in my seat looking out the window. Junior trying to get my attention.

Vance then comes in 30 minutes late and sits next to me.

We don't speak a word until the period ends and I walk out to my locker.

Vance comes up and leans on another locker.

"Are you and Junior together?"

"No" I say unlocking my locker.

"Okay, cool." Then he walks away.

I'm confused, but ignore it. I thought he was mad at me? Whatever.

As I'm walking to my next class I'm pulled into the bathroom and someone covers my mouth.

I'm kicking and screaming but I can't seem to hit them where it hurts and not a single sound leaves my mouth.

I give up and they finally let go I turn around in relief. "Sorry." Vance says smiling.

"Wanna skip with me?"

"Sure." I say as he grabs my wrist and we leave the building. He takes me to a park and we sit there.

Out of nowhere something escapes his mouth. "Y/n, I like you." His eyes widen as he says that regretting that he confessed right here in this moment.

My eyes widen as I turn to see Vance completely flustered. I smile and lean in and give him a small kiss. "I like you too, jerk." I say chuckling and he just smiles.

He picks me up and starts running. "Put me down!" I scream as he picks up the speed running faster, can't say I didn't miss this.

He takes me back to school and he kisses my forehead telling me to be safe. I walk to my 3rd period and sit in my seat.

time skip // after school

I get home and instantly get greeted by Gracie. I pick her up and take her to my room. I place her on my bed and turn on the TV.

I pick out a shirt and some shorts, I take them to my bathroom and get undressed. I change and then leave my bathroom.

I sit down next to her and start reading a book. She starts giggling while watching a cartoon. I smile and continue reading.

I hear a knock and go downstairs. It's Robin!

"Hey Robin!" I say opening the door.

"Hey Y/n!" He says smiling, I signal for him to come in. "I'm hanging out with Gracie in my room. Come on!" I say running up the stairs.

He sighs and follows me. "Hey Gracie" he says and she shoots up and runs to him.

"Robin!" She says smiling and Robin smiles back. I sit on my bed and start reading my book again. He sits down next to me and Gracie goes back to where she was.

So, I'm in the middle. Robin places his head on my shoulder, he seems tired. I smile and continue reading.

He falls asleep soon after and then I slowly get up trying not to move him. Gracie gets up and goes to her room. I follow and she brushes her teeth.

She lays in her bed and I tuck her in. I kiss her forehead (not in a weird way💀 ISTG IF I SEE ANY ALABAMA COMMENTS...)

I go back to my room and see Robin still sleeping. I move him gently so he doesn't wake up, I tuck him in as well and smile.

I place some of my pillows on my floor near my window and grab a blanket from my closet, I end up falling asleep.

I'm awoken by someone knocking on my window.

I stretch and groan. Robin also wakes up. "Who's knocking?" Robin says in a raspy voice.

"I don't know.." I open my curtains and smile when I see Vance.


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