The Breakdown and The Confrontation

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Clyde's POV

Back at The party

I laughed and smiled as I danced with Wendy and her friends. Everything felt like it was getting back on track. Token apologized and Wendy is finally feeling better.

"Hey Wendy I'm gonna go grab a drink and check on Token!" I said shouting over the music.

"Okay! Have fun!!!" She shouted back putting a thumbs up still dancing.

I chuckled and made my way out of the dance crowd and to the ice chest.

Token's parties are always so packed and stocked. Only part I hate is after when I help clean up but I don't mind it to much when we talk and clean. 

I grabbed two Sprites and made my way upstairs.
Token always likes a sprite when he's hammered. Hopefully he's sobering up and feeling better.

I walked down the hall saying hi to everyone just chilling.

I walked up to the door and froze for a second...

Why do I feel a pit in my stomach all of a sudden....?

I gulped and slowly opened the door.

"What the fuck!?" I shouted staring at... at Nicole half naked on top of a naked Token.. 

I felt my heart shatter... the world became a blur.

"Clyde!" Token exclaimed sitting up with Nicole hiding under the blanket quickly.

I shook in rage dropping the soda cans.

I...I can't be here...

I turned around and made my way quickly out of the room and down the hall. The room feels blank and I can't hear anything but ringing.

I can't handle this!!

I walked out side breathing quickly crouching down trying to catch a part of reality. Nothing feels real! Everything is too much!! I can't breathe anymore!



I snapped my head up trying to focus on whoever was in front of me.

"Clyde! Are you okay?" A voice said concerned.

I stopped shaking trying to regain my senses before finally being able to see clearly again...


"Clyde? What happened? You're crying...!"

I started to shake again and felt my face feeling the flood of tears that had been going apparently...

"I-I... Token.. and Nicole...!" Is all I could get out before breaking down.

Wendy wrapped her arms around me comforting me trying to calm me down.

"Do you want to get out of here? I can drive I just need your keys.."

"I-I'm suppose to be y-your ride home th-though.."

"Then we can go to my house! We can go grab some chips and drinks and just binge our feelings out..!"


"Clyde I.. I'm not the best at comforting people but I'm here for you! And I will do my best to help! And food is our comfort..!" She started rubbing the back of my head. "I just want to be there for you like you were for me...! Just let me be here Clyde..."

I felt my tears stream down faster as I shakily took the keys out of my pocket handing them to her.

She small smiled at me before walking off the my car with me.

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