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Craig's POV

"Apologize to Wendy? Is he crazy?!" Token said as he sat in the back of my truck. He's been going on for uhhh... according to the clock, 20 minutes..

"Token, it makes sense. If he's already grown close to Wendy you owe her an apology. You don't have to be friends with your boyfriend's friends, but you shouldn't make him cut them out either." Tweek said.

"Yeah, Wendy isn't trying to come between you two, Clyde would see the signs. So you can't come between their friendship." I said going into a drive through.

"Now what do you want to eat? Maybe some food will get you to calm down."

"Not hungry-"


".... a number 6 large with a number 7 doubled. Extra thing of fries, a blackberry smoothie and sprite." Token said rummaging through his bag before pulling out his wallet.

Tweek chuckled before taking the money Token put out to us.

"That's enough for whatever you guys may want.' Token said sighing.

"You sure have an appetite when you're upset Mom." Tweek said handing me the cash.

"He always has. Ever since we were kids. "When Token's upset,".. that's all she wrote."

Tweek laughed and I earned a kick in the seat from Token.

"Hey don't assault the driver, that's how accidents happen!" I said snickering.

"We aren't even moving!"

"And if we were we'd be planning three different funerals!"

"Enough you two, order so the poor worker doesn't hear anymore of your bickering." Tweek said giving us a look.

Token huffed leaning back while I ordered what we all wanted.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Token said hopping out of the truck.

"Don't beat yourself up too much Token, Wendy isn't a bad person either, she just made mistakes like we all do." Tweek said as he leaned out of the car to pat the curly hair on the top of Token's head.

Token smiled a bit nodded. "Thanks you guys.."

We watched the boy walk up to the gates to his house, before they opened and he finally went in.

"This day has been so tense." Tweek said before letting out a sigh of relief.

"No kidding, I'm all for interesting things happening to make life more interesting but I could do without all this drama." I said putting my truck into drive.

"You don't think Clyde and Wendy.." Tweek started.

"No way, I can't even imagine it." I said cutting him off before driving home.

"But how do two people get so close so quickly?" Tweek questioned nomming on his fries.

"How did we get so close Tweekers?" I asked calling out the unnoticed hypocrisy.

Tweek took a minute to think. "You know, that's fair." He replied looking at me.

"Granted we had a push but everything we start out and continue on with life starts with some sort of push, whether it's figurative, literal, and even small enough not to notice." I said stopping at a red light.

"When did Craig Tucker get so philosophical?" Tweek asked chuckling.

"When did Tweek Tweak become the new mom in the group?" I asked smirking.

We both laughed as we drove home.

"You know I miss hanging out with you in study hall." Tweek said while he played with Stripe on my bed.

"Oh really?" I asked going through my clothes.

"Yessss it's so boring in there, only person I talk to is Bebe when she's there." He said pursing his lips. Cute.

"Yeah well sophomore math ain't too fun without my side kick Tweekers there to kick me, in attempt to making me pay attention."

"Sidekick?! Who said I'm a side kick?" Tweek said getting sassy with me.

"Meeee that's who." He laughed at that response.

"Okay sure Tucker, but your grades have been sooooo much better since I moved here."

"My whole life too."


I went wide eyed, I said that out loud fuck-

"Yeah well you're my best friend after all, my life has just made sense since you came here." I said looking at him.

He smiled at me. I couldn't resist that smile with those emerald green eyes..

"...Tweek.. I need to tell you something... something important.."

"Sure what's up?" He asked sitting up with Stripe.

"Well you see...I really-"


God damn it. I rolled my eyes pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh shit it's Clyde." I answered, quickly putting it on speaker.


"Hey Tweek, Hey Craig." Clyde said over the speaker.

"How'd you know Tweek was here?"

"When aren't the two of you together?"

"That's fair, what's up Cry Baby?" I asked looking at Tweek smirking.

"I'm just having a hard time with what's going on with Token.. I just don't want things to go down horribly.." He said with a sad tone.

"I think you guys will be okay you just need to communicate more." Tweek said hanging upside down off my bed. Cutieee.

"I guess but Token's never been one to talk about... feelings, or how he feels."

"Well then let him know that needs to change for the both of you to have no misunderstandings in your relationship." Tweek replied.

There was a moment of silence before a sigh was let out from Clyde, "Alright, I'll try."

"Hey Donavan I have a question." I said leaning against my dresser.

"What up Tuck?"

"You going to his party this weekend?"

"....yeah I was a bit on edge about it after what happened today, but after Wendy told me she was scared too go because there wouldn't really be anyone for her to hang out with, I told her I'd go to keep her company."

"How about Token? I thought you'd hang out with him too."

"Of course I will! Even after today and even if he doesn't end up apologizing. I'll be upset but he still means the a lot too me-" Clyde said stopping himself, a brief moment of silence before he stared up again.

"I remember being alone at one point, you know, where Wendy is right now. I remember being confused and feeling like a horrible person because all my new emotions and feelings were overwhelming. And instead of telling people straight up how I felt or what I actually wanted out the relationship I did bad things I'm not too proud of. I know you don't know what I'm talking about Tweek but Craig does."

"Yeah.. Red and Bradly still can't stand you." I said looking at Tweek.

"Point is, when the worlds beating down on you and you don't really have anyone to help, they shit gets dark."

Tweek nodded understanding what he meant and sadly i did too.

"You're a good person Clyde." Tweek said rolling over to lay on his stomach.

"Thanks Tweek, I gotta go pick up some lunch for my dad while he's a work, I'll talk to you two later."

"Alright then laters my dude." I said before hanging up.

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