Drive Me

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Tweek's POV

"This is gay." Token said putting the controller down.

We were playing Mario party and he got out first... just like he did last round... and the ones before that one. I remember always being cooped up in my room after school with three cups of coffee and my video games when I lived with my Uncle.

This what just like that. Except I had a cup of coffee and actual friends this time.

I was just humming along. The mini games were easy. I was use to playing them with hard level set cpus.

Craig groaned when he was next out.

"You're going down Tweek!" Clyde said.

I just shrugged.

Next thing I knew, Clyde lost. He huffed getting triggered.

"The game was based on luck Clyde. Pulling the fish Instead of the spiked ball was just luck." token said


I jumped slightly.

"Dude, you lost. Deal with it." Craig said getting slightly annoyed.

"Oh guys it's already 7:00, my mom wants me home by 7:30." Token said.

"Lets get going then." Craig said grabbing his keys.

I chugged my cup of coffee and stood up.

"Alright, later guys!" Clyde said walking us out of his house . We walked over to the truck.

"It looks like its going to rain." Token said pointing up.

Craig walked over to his truck and grabbed our bags throwing them into the back seat.

"There no room in the back now!" Token said glaring at Craig causing him to role his eyes.

"Dude we'll all just sit in the front now c'mon." Craig stated getting inside the car.

I walked to the car with Token.

"Tweek you get in the middle, Craig's emo ass makes me nauseous."

"I'm not a Emo rich boy." Craig said flipping Token off.

I just nodded hopping in scooting to the middle. I'm so tired. I had a mixed emotion day. So many things going through my head.

Craig started the car driving to a burger joint real quick and getting food for all of us. He dropped Token off first and I was literally too lazy too move.

"Later guys!" Token said closing the door before walking into the mandating he called a house.

"Tweek you can scoot."

"I'm too lazy for this." I said not really caring. Stuffing French fries into my mouth.

He chuckled slightly.

"Wow that's my mood everyday." He said driving to my house.

I smiled slightly. He parked in a drive way and hopped out.

I tilted my head. This isn't my house. I grabbed my bag and food getting out.

"Uhhh Craig, this i-isn't my house.."

"I know. But that is." He said pointing.

I looked and saw.. my house.. he lived across the street from me apparently... wow I feel stupid.

"C'mon I'll walk you over there just in case your mom-"

"My parents aren't home." I said walking across the street.

He followed.

"We'll see you tomorrow Craig." I said opening the door.

"Wait." He said making me look at him. "Want me to take you to school again?"

I blinked and smiled a little.

"Yeah sure. I'll be at the coffee shop in the morning though."

"It's cool, I stop by there every morning anyways."

I chuckled. "Alright see you then Craigers." I literally just came up with that nickname and he probably thinks it's st-

"Night Tweekers." He said before turning away and walking to his house.

My face is on fire..

Run Aways (Tweek x Craig)Where stories live. Discover now