Best Friend

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Clyde's POV


It was pretty dark out. Early because daylight savings I guess but I'm use to it. Raining pretty hard, Token would kill me if  he knew I was driving in the rain. But ironically enough I was driving home from Token's, Token invited me over but got caught up with his family's business that he didn't even show up to his own place....

I sighed. Everything's different, I didn't really like change but it happens. It's a part of life.

As I drove I noticed someone walking in the rain.

"Yo what the fuck?" I said driving over to them. I looked out my window as the person looked back at me.

"Wendy?" I questioned tilting my head.

I rolled down my window.

"Wendy!? What are you doing out here it's pouring! Get in the car I'll take you home!"

"No Clyde I'm fine! I can just walk!" She said putting on a fake smile.

"No Wendy, get your ass in the damn car!"

I rolled up my window as she opened the door and got in, completely soaked.

"Aw Clyde your seat!"

"It's fine I can always get it cleaned."

She was just in a shirt and pants.

"You're crazy to be out this late and walking home in this rain! And without a jacket?" As I said that I noticed she was shivering.

"Jesus-" I said cutting myself off taking off my own jacket and putting it around her, immediately turning up the heater.

"Clyde- no this isn't necessary."

"You're shivering, you're soaked. You're going to get sick. "

She sighed slumping back a bit.

"What are you doing out here so late?"

She just shrugged looking out the window.

We sat there for a minute or two. I was staring at her trying to figure this girl out.

I noticed her eyes were puffy. She looked sad..

"Wendy, you're like the most strong and independent woman I know. Not to mention smartest, why you out here without a jacket , umbrella, and what happened ? You look sad.."

She didn't say anything.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She immediately broke down and hugged my jacket. I was a bit taken back. I've never seen Wendy break down before... I didn't know what else to but hug her. And when I did she hugged back immediately sobbing into my chest.

I caressed her hair to comfort her. Telling her to let it out and that it was okay.

After a while she calmed down with a few sniffles here and there. She let go sitting back wiping her face.

"Aw, doll, hold up-" I said pulling out the handkerchief in my shirt pocket.

"Here." I handed it to her and she proceeded to use it.

She smiled a bit.

"I never knew Clyde Donavan was such a gentlemen."

"I ain't, just know a few things. My dad raised me with some manners and respect." I said smiling.

"Key word, some." She said before giggling.

"Ouch! My feelings!" I said pretending to be offended.

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