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*******WARNING: SELF HARM********

Will be told when it starts!

Tweek's POV

Oh god... I haven't talked about this in years... but I'm kind of happy Craig is the one hearing about it. If any one were to find out I'd be okay with it being Craig..

"What happened?" He asked me while my face was buried into his chest...

"Well..." I said as I began to explain and remember everything...

~~~ Flash back ~~~

"Hey Tweek." Logan said as he walked up to me.

"H-Hey!" I replied smiling.

Logan was my cousin and we were best cousins.

"How you doing?" He said opening up his locker.

"Pretty g-good ! Just trying to keep calm for a presentation I-I have to do today." I said biting my bottom lip.

Logan froze. "Tweek are you going to be okay?"

"I s-Sure hope so..." I replied. Logan knows how bad my adhd and anxiety can hit when I'm under SO MUCH PRESSURE.

I started to twitch and shake. Oh no it's not even the presentation and I'm starting to freak out.

"Tweek relax! It's okay!" He said holding onto my shoulders. I tried but not even the best cousin in the world could calm me down. No one could.

"I-I-I'm trying!"


"AGH!" I exclaimed hearing the loud bell.

"Well, good luck Tweek I hope you do okay.." Logan said before walking off...

Oh no ..


"Alright class," Miss Rodriguez said after we were done with our warm up.

"Today you'll be presenting on which ever country you choose. To be fair and even I'll be choosing who goes today but using a randomized I found on google."

Aw geez.

"Here we go!" She said before hitting the go button on her phone.

"Annnnnnnd Linda! You're up!" She said making me feel a little relieved.

"Linda's in the nurse's office." A girl behind me said.


"Alright one more time then!" The teacher said making my nervous once more.


God damnit..

"You're up."

I couldn't move.

After a minute or two I got up slowly grabbing all the things I needed. I walked up to the front of the class putting my flash drive into the computer...

Oh god oh god oh god..

"W-Well! I-I-I'll B-be presenting the country Denmark!" I said starting to shake.

"Talk right Twitchy!"

"Agh!" I screamed looking over to the kid who yelled it. Probably my biggest bully. My scream earned a laugh from the class.

Run Aways (Tweek x Craig)Where stories live. Discover now