Ask Me Day!

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Hiya guys! So I'm taking a small break today since I'm studying a lot for my finals and decided I'd do a little ask me for a day!

You can ask me anything whether it regards the fan fic or myself.

So for example, if you ask me something like.

"What inspired you to write this?"

I'll answer!

Or if you ask

"Where were you born?"

I'll answer!

Or if you asked about a specific character or couple, or even my opinions, I'll happily answers! Just comment and I'll reply in tHe next chapter I post.

Also! Here are some pictures I drew based off the fan fic!

Also! Here are some pictures I drew based off the fan fic!

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You can even ask about the pictures!

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You can even ask about the pictures!

Ask away! ~Author Chan 💓

Run Aways (Tweek x Craig)Where stories live. Discover now