What Happened?

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Craig's POV

I could feel the bright sun shining on my face.

Now usually,  I love it and I'm use to it because my room gets pretty cold. But this time I wanted to fucking end the sun. My head is pounding. What the fuck happened last night?

I slowly opened my eyes and say the tv playing Red Racer. I looked around... this isn't my room.

I thought for a minute before realizing I came to Tweek's last night. He was drunk and singing. I was stopping by to see what all the noise was.

All I remember after that was him and me singing and dancing a little.

I looked at my shoulder to find a snoring Tweek. I looked around the room and saw a bunch of empty Jack Daniel bottles on the floor. This reminds of all the beer my dad usually buys for when him and the other dads around town call "Witch Week." It's super gay. ... but I'm super gay so I'm not sure if I should be saying anything.

I slowly got up letting Tweek lay down on a pillow I grabbed from his bed. I looked around the room more. Wow this place was a mess from both of us..

I closed the window blinds to get rid of the fucking sun. I started cleaning up around the room. I walked over to the door and slowly unlocked it before quietly opening it and tip toeing downstairs. I peaked outside the window and noticed the car Tweek's Parents drive wasn't there. They weren't home yet. I ran over to the kitchen and quickly started making a hang over drink Kenny taught me how to make. I was only rushing because I didn't know when Tweek's parents would get home.

Once I got done I went upstairs to see Tweek slowly sitting up and looking around.

"Morning Tweekers."

He jumped slightly before looking over at me.

"Cr-Craig? What are you doing here?" He asked tilting his head.

"How much do you remember from last night?" I asked sitting in front of him.

"I remember getting home from work, putting a bunch of  Vodka into my coffee.. after that it's a blur.." he said rubbing his head.

I explained to him what happened. His face instantly turned red.

"Oh man, some vodka in coffee got me hammered? Wow I'm a light weight.."

"Actually," I said as I looked over to the bag of jack Daniel bottles.

"....oh shit."

"Thing is I don't exactly who's bottles are who sooo. But when I got here you had a few bottles on the ground already so."

"Oh.." he said holding his head.

I handed him the drink I just made.

"Here this will help, chug it in one go. It helps with hang overs."

"Okay." He said before holding up the glass tilting it a bit, then taking it in one go.

I did the same.

"Not a pleasant taste but coffee should help." He said shifting a bit.

..... wait a second..

This fucker isn't stuttering!





"...Craig I told you I don't stutter or twitch when I'm comfortable around someone or some place..I only stutter when I'm the opposite of that or surprised or scare or something.. "

"Oh right."

He face palmed before standing up, walking over to the tv and turning it down a lot .

"Where are my parents.." he asked before checking his phone.

"Oh they aren't coming home till later. Wonder what happened."

I shrugged before standing up and looking at him. I just noticed this was the first time he wasn't in a button up or sweater. He was in a shirt. Even in pe he had a long sleeve under his pe shirt.

I examined all his features.. I noticed something.. there were cuts on his arms... I could feel myself go blank around me.. my depression, my anger, my everything just kind of overwhelmed me.

I slowly walked over and took his arm yanking it away from him earning a yelp. I looked at all the cuts and scars... some looked newer than others but none looked fresh or recent...

"Cr-Craig..." he stuttered our after a minute passed by.

"Tweek...." I said slightly concern in my own voice.

"I can explain..."

"Please do.."

"I was just starting 8th grade when I started... when everything started..it's a long story and I don't mean to bother you with my old problems or my current ones.." he said sinking his

"Tweek.." I said letting go of his arm and bringing him into a hug. He immediately hugging back burrowing his head into my chest.

"What happened..?"

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