Are You Gay?

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Tweek's POV.


I walked into my house groaning. I was so tired. I had a log shift after school, Craig didn't work today, i missed him but I kept busy with orders and such. I loved hanging out with Craig, he was pretty nice and cool. He's tough and strong but had a genuine side around's kind of cute.... wait, what?

I felt my face heat up as I felt thoughts running through my head. I'm not gay, that ain't me...

Am I gay? I mean I never liked a girl before, I've been friends with them or best friends, but I never liked one in a crush way... god damn it this is confusing.

I walked over to the counter starting my coffee maker, I noticed there was a bottle of vodka on the counter. Dad or mom must of had a pick me up drink...

I looked around before grabbing a glass and looting the vodka in it before pouring it into my coffee cup. I haven't drank in a while but fuck I needed it. Ever since Cartman started bullying me my anxiety and ADHD kicks into hard drive at times.

I closed the bottle and put it back EXACTLY how it was.

I sighed waiting for the coffee maker.

I wonder when mom, Dad and I will have an actual dinner. Not just me having to cook something then make sure there's enough left overs for them. My dad has been drinking a lot more lately. He has stashes if Jack Daniel's all over the house. There's even one he forgot about so I took it and hid it in my room.

Yeah, I'm a good student and all but not a pure child of god.

I heard the coffee maker tickk meaning it was almost done so I made me some chicken nuggets and fries. Once I was done I grabbed my food and pitcher and went upstairs.

I put my food down before closing the door and Locking it. I then grabbed the hidden Jack Daniel's. Time to get the fuck into my feels.


Oh fuck yes Halsey sing it.

I'm fucking wasted.

I giggled dancing around to Bad At Love. So fucking relatable.

I felt my phone buzzed but I'm too busy getting in my feels to care.


Before I knew it I was staring at my window to see someone knocking.. Craig? I walked over opening it.

He jumped in looking around see my empty plate and three empty jack Daniel bottles.

"Tweek you're a light weight?" He simply said closing the window.

"Naaaah I put a shit load of vodka in my coffeeeee." I said before dancing again.

He saw my laptop connected to my TV as it was blasting the best song ever on repeat because fuck everything.

He looked at me as I was dancing. I grinned and started singing.

"I believe I believe I believe I believe that we're meant to be. Jealousy Jealousy Jealousy Jealousy , get the best of me!"

Craig smiled slightly nodding his head to the song.

"You know this song?" I said dancing still.

He picked up a bottle of Jack Daniel's popping it open with his thumb.

"I'm bad at loooooooove. Ooh ooh." He sang out. Oh my god his fucking voice..

"But can't blame me for trying , you know that I be lyin' sayin', you were the oooooooone, ooh ooh." He sang some more.

"That could finally fix me, lookin' at my history, I'm bad at loooooooove." I sang out leaning on him swaying.

He chuckled chugging the bottle of alcohol before grabbing another one.

One hour later, we were on the floor in our feels both drunk off our asses. Same song still going.

" so I find It fucking hilariiiious that my parents are homophobes because I think I'm pretty gay and my sister might as well be!" Craig said.

"Seriously? Not even a little straight."

"Tweekers Tweekers Tweekers, only thing straight about me is my hair!"

I laughed.

"Wow relatable!!!" I shouted swaying while sitting still.

"You gay too Tweekers?"

"I can't even remember the last time I thought a girl was cute!" I said proudly.

"Your parents support you being gay?"

"HAH! The reason I even left this town was because they found out I had a crush on a boy, so they hoped sending me to the religious shit home of my uncles would straighten me up."

"Woah fucking seriously?"

"Yeeeeep. Actually now that I think about it I thiiiiink my mom is like not against it but my dad is so fuck him, love my mom with all my heart. " I said putting my hands over my chest.

He laughed.

"Yeah my dad is also a heavy ass drinker so I'm just waiting for the day he finds out. That should end up well."

"My parents are always out of town and shit so they'll never find me out!" Craig said flopping back laying on the ground now.

I laughed and looked at my phone.

My mom texted me they weren't coming home till tomorrow. Great.

"Craigster stay the night?"

"Sure fuck it." He said laughing.

I laughed swaying still. Eventually we put on Red Racer.

I can feel exhaustion hit me hard.

I yawned leaning on Craig. He put on arm around me and with that we both passed out.

Run Aways (Tweek x Craig)Where stories live. Discover now