Not Today Fatass

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Craig's POV

I woke up to a loud banging on my door.

"Whaaat?" I groaned out putting a pillow over my face.

"Get up! I'm hungry!" Ruby yelled out to me.

"Fuuuuck. What time is it!?"


"Do me a favor and get out the stuff for eggs and bacon and I'll be right down to cook it!"

"Alright!" With that I heard her run down the stairs.

I got up and put on a tank top. I looked out my window to see Tweek and his parents talking. Next thing I know I heard my phone go off. I picked it up, Mrs. Tweak??


"Hey Craig! Can Tweek come over?"

I looked out the window to see the Tweaks all looking at the phone. Tweek himself looked sleepy.

I put my phone in speaker and texted my sister to get out some extra food.

"Yeah of course! Can I have my usual since I got you on the line?" I said earning a little laugh from her.

"Sure thing! I'm going to send Tweek your way!"

"Alright Mrs. T. Have a good day."

"You too Craig."

I hung up looking out the window again and saw Mrs. Tweak happily clapping and Tweek shaking his head before going inside and coming back out with his things.

She kissed his cheek and sent him this way.

I chuckled slipping on a pair of pants and my shoes. I wish my mom was that affectionate towards me.

I sighed grabbing my things and heading down stairs.

I heard the doorbell go off.

"Ruby answer that please!"

"Alright!" She ran to the door as I threw my bag on the counter and started cooking.

"Ah who are you!?" I heard Ruby yell.

"O-o-oh I'm Tw-Tweek!" I heard Tweek stutter out.

"I'm Ruby! Are you my brothers boy friend? I always knew he was gay." Ruby said making me drop a pan.


"OHHHH!! Come in come in!"

I looked over to see Tweek with a baggy black hoodie and green jeans. Contradicting his bright red face that put fire trucks to shame.

"Sorry! I just really think he's ga-"

"Ruby I will literally eat your breakfast."

"You wouldn't."

"Try. Me." I said flipping her off.

She simply flipped me off back.

She sat at the counter and began on her homework.

"Tweek there's a coffee maker right there if you'd like to use it."

He immediately went over to it.

"Hey Tweek, How do you write?" My sister suddenly asked.

"H-huh?" Tweek replied walking over.

"Write something down on the piece of paper."

"A-Alright." He wrote down "Coffee is my love."

"Wow you write pretty. Can you write crappier?"

Tweek tilted his head before writing again.

"That's not pretty but it's not crappy either. One more time, with feeling of wanting death to consume you."

Tweek mumbled something earring  giggle from my little sister. I was curious now. Fuck I need to flip the eggs.

"There you go! That's better! Now can you do some of my homework?"

Tweek looked at me.

"I help her every morning, she gets home from practice late so she has no time to do it."

"Alr-Alright I'll He-help then." He sat next to her and started writing things down for her being faster.

"Woah woah! Make sure it's B+ average, I don't want the teachers expecting more from me."

"You never tell me that." I said looking at her.

"Because you naturally cant get me a higher grade."

Tweek chuckled finished a page and going to the next.

As soon as I got done cooking, I served them and noticed right away they were done?

"Already done? Not as much homework?" I asked sitting next to Tweek."

"Actually there was more then usual! But Tweek go most of it done!"

"I-I learned a-all of th-this a y-year after the gr-grade you're in.."

"You sir, are a genius." She started before eating her breakfast.

Tweek started eating and drinking his coffee and looked happy.


Tweek and I sat in the car waiting on traffic. We just dropped off Ruby and picked up my food. Tweek was humming along to the music I put on.

I noticed the car in front of me not paying attention, so me being me and not giving two flying fucks, rolled down the window.

"GET MOVING FATASS." I knew it was Cartman, sane car from the other day.

"SHUT IT TUCKER!" I heard him yell back.

He started driving and I drove behind him because of course, same route to school. I parked in my usual spot and noticed Cartman looking over. I flipped him off but for some reason he wasn't bothered like he usually was.

I looked over at Tweek who was twitching and shaking.

Carman walked over crossing his arms.

"Hey Twitchy. I see you made friends with Craig."

I glared going to the other side of my truck.

"H-h-h-hi C-Cartman..."

"Still hurting from yesterday?"

Yesterday? He got hurt?


"I also see you're turning emo.. suits a spaz like you."

"HEY FATASS!" I heard Kyle yell from across the parking lot.

"DON'T CALL ME FAT YOU FUCKING JEW!" With that he walked off.

I looked at Tweek confused.

Tweek looked panicked.

"I-uh.. I accidentally tr-tripped in cl-class ! H-he laughed th-the loudest and y-yeah.."

I tilted my head but shrugged it off.

"Tweekers what's your schedule again?"

He handed me a piece of folded up paper from his pocket.

I read over it.

"Alright cool. I can do that."

"H-huh?" He looked at me tilting his head.

"Nothing, lets head to class, I have You first."

I locked my truck and started walking.

Tweek followed quickly. No way in hell Tweek was getting bullied in anymore classes. Good thing it's beginning of second semester, I can switch my schedule around.

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