Truth or Dare?

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Tweek's POV

After a few hours of practicing we all went inside to relax for the night.

Wendy and Heidi were at the kitchen table working on there stats outfit while all the guys were in the cooking station making some food.

I was sitting on the counter next to Craig talking to him about random things.

"So you have any weird dreams?" Craig asked as he played with his hat."

I nodded.

"I have this really weird one... like .. I've been having it for a while now and it's super weird. Especially the one I had two months ago."

"Well what happened in it?"

"Im just sitting there. Like in a pitch black room..." I began to say making Craig's eyes go slightly wide.

"And it's the same thing every day, just nothing there, nothing to Interact, nothing to see besides the black, and pure-"

"Silence..." Craig said seeming a bit shocked.

I nodded. "Exactly! The only noise are my own thoughts. I had the same dream two months ago , except I heard a noise. And then I heard footsteps. Next thing I knew I was face to face with-"

"A pair of beautiful eyes..." Craig said staring at me.

"...yeah... how'd you know...?" I asked staring at him.

"I have the same dream, and then I see a pit of outstanding emerald green eyes..."

"I see mesmerizing sapphire blue eyes..." I said staring into his.....

We couldn't be in the same dream... that's not possible is it....?

"Tweek!" I heard Bebe y'all causing me to snap out of my trance and look over at her.

"Help me with strawberries for the strawberry shortcakes!" She said holding up a big bowl of strawberries.

"Coming!" I said jumping off the counter and running over.


It was time to sit in the living room and stuff our faces. I was in the kitchen though. I was mostly cleaning up. I didn't eat much so it was okay.

"So Tweek." I heard Butters say as he walked over putting a dish in the sink.

"I think I figured out who you like."

I could feel my face heat up, "o-oh? Who..?"

Butters snickered and pointed to the raven haired boy who was glancing every 5 minutes or so.


"Don't tell anyone please Butters!" I said whisper yelling.

"I won't but just know I'm going to do everything in my power to make y'all become a thing." He said grinning

"Jesus Christ when they say the person your with's personality rubs off on you they aren't lying." I said noticing the Kennyiness all over him.

He laughed a little and patted my back.

"Cmon lets go sit down, we're gonna play a game right now!" Butters said tugging on Me.

"Alright alright." I grabbed some food and drinks before walking over to the circle of couches gathered up. I put my stuff on the table before plopping next to Craig.

"Alright now that everyone's here we can play!" Clyde said grinning.

"We gonna play truth or dare!" Token said excited.

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