Chapter One- The wand

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Disclaimer: I own NO ONE! Just thought to make that clear.

Chapter One: The Wand

"Wake up Lily-flower, breakfast!" Mrs. Evans yelled through Lilly's door. Lily's head jerked up and hit the headboard of her bed. "Owe." Lily moaned rubbing her sore forehead. Every morning, Lily thought bitterly.

Lily yawned rubbing her eyes tiredly. She glanced at her calendar, September first she read. Hogwarts! Lily jumped out of her bed and ran to the bathroom. She quickly grabbed her hairbrush and ran it through her hair a few times.

She couldn't believe it. Her, Lily Marie Evans, daughter of two non magical people was going to Hogwarts a school of magic! Excitement bubbled up inside of her as she thought about it. Lily studied her appearance.

Long dark red hair went past her shoulders in waves, an upturned nose with a splatter of freckles, full, plump pink lips, and emerald green eyes stared back at her. Lily's eyes were her favorite thing about her looks.

Her eyes were unique and attention drawing with their jewel like quality and twinkle of kindness. Lily smiled and hurried to get dressed. She put on Jordac Ash denim jeans, an AC/DC t-shirt that Tuney had given her, and black and white converse.

Lily grabbed her trunks which were filled with; her spell books from Flourish and Blots, her pewter colored cauldron, crystal phials, a telescope, a set if brass scales, and finally her own magic wand.

Her wand was ten and a quarter inches long, made of willow, and was a little swishy. Lily remembered the day she bought her wand like it was yesterday. Rather it had been a week ago...

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