8. The Little Things that Matter

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A Poet's Progress
By Fox-Trot-9

8. The Little Things that Matter

I hated everything. Working
Myself to the core only to
Get more work in the end just
Torments me; but who am I to
Complain? I'll just keep my head
Down and work my way to the
Top, where I'll be king of the hill.
With these thoughts, I went
To sleep.

 When the blackness cleared, a
Man—whom I presume to be me—
Went for an interview. He was
Rejected, but he was still
Defiant. I watched in awe of
His hardworking effort, as
He steadily gained importance
In his architectural career.
Soon, he became the boss of
The Company, the master of his
Destiny. He had wealth,
Great cars, and a big manor—
He had everything.

Suddenly, while surveying houses
Fate crippled him in a car accident,
Crippling his health severely;
His eyes were red from lack of sleep,
His face tormented in pain.
On his deathbed, he uttered,
"If I could turn back time, I'd
Have spent more time with my
Family, than risk deals with my 'so-
Called friends'." Thus, he
Died, and I woke up in a cold

Reflecting back, I figured that
I should enjoy the little things in
Life, than hate the obligations
Of work.

(To be continued...)

A/N: I'm telling you, when I grow up, I'll work hard as hell, but I'd always have time to spend with my family. Family first. I hope I'll never forget that.

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