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A Poet's Progress
By Fox-Trot-9


So there you have it. It's finally done. Looking back, I feel like I've grown up from the awkward kid I was when I first entered Mrs. Sweikert's class. In recounting all the poems I wrote, I've relived all the memories each invoked from early childhood to the first glimpses of what I'll be in the future. It was by no means an easy journey. I cried, I hated, I cursed, I got into trouble, I laughed, I overcame, I befriended, I loved—at least, I tried to—, I dared to dream, I lived a life so full of wonder in my freshman year in high school. Which you, dear reader, got a glimpse of like a slice-of-life story... But in poetry.

There's something about the power of poetry that cannot be explained in concrete measured terms, like scansion, rhyme or meter. When people say, "That's pure poetry," they're not talking about the nuts and bolts that make up the structure of a poem; you can have a piece that LOOKS like a poem but not FEEL like a poem. For poetry flows not in words of sound, but in the feelings those words invoke. I hope that you got most of the feelings I went through after reading these pieces.

So till next time, ta-ta for now.

Yours truly,


(The End...)

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