19. The Norm of Divorce

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A Poet's Progress
By Fox-Trot-9

19. The Norm of Divorce

The one unspeakable characteristic
That my family has regretfully
Inherited is divorce—an affliction
That strains my family line. Though I know
Not why this persists, I do know several
Of my relatives whose unfortunate
Event has left their lives in shambles. Last year
Was yet another example of those events:
My aunt divorced my uncle after many
Heated arguments. Yet this divorce, though
Cruel, is just one of the others that my dad,
Sister and cousin have faced. Still, without
Such failed marriages, the triumphs of life would
Not show themselves. In fact, from hopelessness
Arose determination, when my auntie
Remarried; and I was there to see it.
Ironically, I owe my life to divorce;
For if my dad never remarried, I
Would not be here reading this poem to you. 

(To be continued...)

A/N: Talk about irony, eh? My dad's still married to my mom. Sure, they had their tussles every now and then, but they're still going strong—25 years and counting! Yay! ( ^_^ )

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