17. Mind Block: The Worst Boredom

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A Poet's Progress
By Fox-Trot-9

17. Mind Block: The Worst Boredom

There are many forms of boredom woe,
But none strains the brain more than that accursed
Mind block. I remember when in Mrs. Vernon's class
That such a boredom has struck me down,
Its web of frustrations preventing all
Thought from mind, mind from hand,
Hand from pencil and pencil from paper.
This blockage, conceived from boredom, is the hideous
Vale of endless anticipation that severs all inspiration,
That all writers must confront. Sadly, many conflicting
Waves of thought converge to the destruction of time—
Time that has eluded me in Mrs. Vernon's class,
Because of boredom's hated reign over my mind.
This only ignites more dreaded work,
Landing you deeper in debt and woe.
Thus, I say, "O Boredom, O Mind Block, you may
Have won the battle, but you'll never win the war!" 

(To be continued...)

A/N: I can't possibly describe in clearer words than this how horrible writing under time pressures feels. I've written five-paragraph essays for many teachers that were timed, and let me tell you, every single second of it was sheer hell!

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