23. "MIddle" Finger Custom

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A Poet's Progress
By Fox-Trot-9

23. "MIddle" Finger Custom

In Japanese culture, one only points
With the index finger when accusing
Someone; for pointing at anything else,
One uses the "middle" finger (believe it
Or not). Though middle finger pointing is
Completely legitimate in Japan,
The "middle" finger arouses great animosity
In Western culture. In fact, when a student
From Japan, pointing to someone with that
Accursed "middle" finger, that someone, naturally
Being and American kid, caught sight of him and punched
The living audacity out of him via the stomach;
And without warning, that kid
Slapped me up side the head for good measure—
All that trouble for a simple extended digit.
Yes, such a custom, as in all customs foreign
To other foreign cultures, can provoke
Quick and hellish retribution.
Thus, to all: "Be mindful of others,
When you're mindless of yourself." 

(To be continued...)

A/N: Believe it or not, this really happened. Naturally, I wanted to kick the kid's ass, but I couldn't; I'm a geek.

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