37. Sonnet to Carlo & Alan

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A Poet's Progress
By Fox-Trot-9

37. Sonnet to Carlo & Alan

Of a fated friendship cut short by Fate itself,
I write this friendship sonnet to secure
The memory of Carlo and Alan myself,
So bonds—though fare away—will long endure.
I missed these two old-fashioned cronies:
With them, I play and frolic every day,
But when poor Carlo horribly dies,
And Alan then moves far away,
I mourn—I miss—I try vainly to remember
All the good and great times we had together.
For old Alan, I uttered low my last goodbye;
Yet for poor Carlo, I vainly tried not to cry.
      Thus, for them my heart will always outpour,
      That our friendship will last forevermore.

(To be continued...)

A/N: This is my last piece on here. This is probably one of the hardest things I wrote, because I wrote it on the last day of school... Not to mention it was about two extremely important events in my life. One was tragic, the other filled with regret. But that was two years ago. I can't live in the past for too long... You can say, I grew up and left a part of myself behind.

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