Baseball Time

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(Is it knifes or knives?)

'He makes a point of relaxing behind the school every day before class, with a drink and an English newspaper he got from Hawaii' Sugino turns to Nagisa 'Just as reported. Thanks, Nagisa!'

Koro-sensei was chilling on a chair while reading a newspaper he got from Hawaii.

Nagisa nods at him 'Yep. Good luck, Sugino.'

'You got it. That ten billion yen is mine!' Sugino says holding a baseball ball full of BBs. He throws it towards

'Good morning!' Their teacher says appearing behind them. 'Remember, speak up when you greet someone!'

'G-Good morning, Koro-sensei'

'Embedding those anti-me BBs into a baseball? A fine idea! It won't make the kind of noise an airgun would. However, I had all this time to kill waiting for the ball to arrive and my cells would fall apart if I touched those BBs directly' Koro-sensei states 'So that's why I popped over to the equipment room to grab a glove.' He says showing the glove that had the baseball ball in it.

Sugino gasps and Nagisa sweat drops.

'I do hope you can kill me-- before graduation, that is' Koro-sensei says walking away. 'Now then, time for homeroom'

'Yes, sir..' Sugino looks down sadly 'Damnit. Guess my ball won't do the trick after all'





(why does Nagisa talk so fucking much in his head like it's 90% of the episode like this.)

'Yeah it kinda looks like him' M/n looks at his drawing. He was very bored so he decided to draw his teacher but M/n isn't very artistic. So the drawing was bad really bad.

M/n taps Rio's shoulder and points at his drawing. 'Beautiful isn't it' he whispers.

Rio covers her mouth trying not to laugh and M/n could only roll his eyes.

'Maybe just maybe Karma was right about me not being good at drawing' M/n puts the drawing away before his teacher can see it.

'Hey-- Nagisa' Kayano whispers VERY loudly. M/n turns to the duo. Totally not eavesdropping the conversation. 'Suginos attempt to kill Koro-sensei failed hasn't it?'

'Uh-huh' Nagisa nods 'He's been down in the dumps ever since'

'It's nothing to get bummed out about. I mean, none of us have succeeded yet'

Koro-sensei suddenly flashes by and grabs Sugaya's notebook. 'Sagaya'

'Never realized but his name has gay in it- lol'

'So close! But my features are a bit finer than that' He says showing the drawing Sugaya made. M/n eyes widen looking at Rio.

'Why don't you show yours' she whispers.

'Shut up'




The bell rings.

'Well class I have some business to take care of today, so if you'll excuse me'


'Yes. I'm catching a game in New York' He says.

'There he goes..' Yoshida says looking at the spot where Koro-sensei was.

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